Tuesday notes: Berry delay, boat trip, shoe drive, coffee talk

June 24, 2008 5:08 pm
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BERRY DELAY: This afternoon’s weather is picture-perfect typical June, but we all know what a weird year it’s been otherwise. As a result, the Rotary Club of West Seattle won’t get the first delivery for its berry sale — the strawberries — till next month, so the pickups originally set for this Friday and Saturday are postponed till July 11-12 – when raspberries will be available too. You can order berries through the Rotary Club’s website.

BOAT TRIP: If the forecast holds out, this is going to be spectacular: The Northwest Environmental Education Councill and Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition have a two-hour boat trip on the Duwamish this Saturday, 10 am-noon. It’s $20/person and you can sign up online here.

SHOE DRIVE: If you have any “gently used shoes” you’re thinking of getting rid of, save them for next month – Edie’s Shoes in The Junction sends word of a drive to benefit Soles 4 Souls – they’ll offer $10 discounts to customers who bring in “gently used shoes” to donate to the drive during July.

COFFEE TALK: Every Thursday night starting this week, 6-8 pm, special “coffee hours” are planned at Cafe Rozella as part of the King County Food and Fitness Initiative — looking for your thoughts about the availability of activity opportunities and healthy food in Delridge and White Center. Read on for more info:

King County Food and Fitness Coffee Hour: We want to hear from YOU!

Please join us Thursday for the first of eight weekly discussions about food
access, walking and bicycling routes, parks, and opportunities for physical
activity in the Delridge and White Center neighborhoods.

The coffee hours will be held at Cafe Rozella every Thursday evening from 6:00
to 8:00 PM through August 14th.

We want to hear your opinions and insights about the current conditions in the
neighborhoods, changes you would like to see made, and ideas about how to get
it done. By the end of eight weeks, we’ll be working with you to develop a set
of criteria that can be used to prioritize your ideas.

For further information please contact abassok@u.washington.edu.

Thank you,
Alon Bassok and Branden Born

University of Washington Department of Urban Design and Planning (Partners with
King County Food and Fitness Initiative)

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