3 minutes to spare? Watch a mini-movie shot at West 5

This just out of the WSB inbox:

Just wanted to let you know that local production company Penny Dreadfuls shot a three-minute short for entry into the SIFF-Seattle Times 3-Minute Masterpiece contest at West Seattle’s very own West 5 in mid-April. The bar provided the perfect backdrop for “Annie’s First Dates,” a three-minute tale of our young heroine’s quest for love and the bizarre characters she encounters on the way. Dave – one of West 5’s owners – volunteered to get up at 3 am to let the film crew in to shoot on a Saturday and Sunday; he stayed with us for the entire duration of the shoot and EVEN MADE US COFFEE!

Please check out the short on YouTube –
youtube.com/watch?v=bUEqI2ErRP0 – and leave us your comments, or check it out on our website: penny-dreadfuls.com. And give some major props to West 5 for being perhaps the greatest bar in our great neighborhood!

Jenny Hawes
Producer, Penny Dreadfuls

12 Replies to "3 minutes to spare? Watch a mini-movie shot at West 5"

  • missaudreyhorne May 1, 2008 (11:07 am)

    OH MY GOSH YAY! That is my friend Annie! Awesome, and so cute.

  • Christopher Boffoli May 1, 2008 (11:09 am)

    Nicely done. Great use of the location. I’d love to know what they shot it with. Super 16? Digital/24P?

  • d May 1, 2008 (11:34 am)

    Short but sweet & so cute! Very nice!

    Good luck to you all!


  • Jenny May 1, 2008 (1:57 pm)

    To Christopher Boffoli:

    We shot it with a HVX200 in 24p.



  • Keith May 1, 2008 (3:20 pm)

    Bravo to Penny Dreadfuls and West 5! Poor Annie– if only she’d ordered a Famous West 5 Mai Tai every time, all of those dates would’ve been bearable.

  • Christopher Boffoli May 1, 2008 (3:29 pm)

    Jenny: My compliments to your DP. It looks really good.

  • Jenny May 1, 2008 (6:09 pm)

    Thanks Chris!

    I’ll let Brooke know.


  • TheHouse May 1, 2008 (8:42 pm)

    I’m pissed that I’ll never get those 5 minutes of my life back.

  • Christopher Boffoli May 2, 2008 (8:18 am)

    TheHouse: Most people who watch things like this don’t comprehend the amount of time and effort that went into producing even a few minutes of finished film. It is a combined effort of a huge group of people from our community who used money out of their own pockets to do this. Even if the content isn’t your cup of tea, exercises like this are necessary stepping stones for these people to do bigger and better things in film. I for one feel privileged that these working artists were kind enough to share their work with WSB readers. What the short says to me is that they worked their asses off and were brave enough to put themselves out there. If you don’t like something, why not just ignore it? What do you really have to gain by insulting them?

  • Stephen M May 2, 2008 (2:08 pm)

    Funny and well shot.

  • Xena May 3, 2008 (9:11 am)

    Very fun to watch and well done! How nice of West 5 to be so accommodating.

  • Jenny May 3, 2008 (3:18 pm)

    Thanks for the love Christopher!

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