West Seattle Crime Watch: The crane caper, and more

From the files at the Southwest Precinct (and no, it’s not that there’s been a lot of crime lately, this is just our first run through the reports since last Thursday): handcuffs_2.jpgWe start with someone who went to great lengths AND great heights to commit a crime. Sometime between Thursday night and Monday morning, at the megaproject construction site on 42nd north of Alaska, someone stole two mobile radio/phones worth $750 from a crane cab — meaning, according to the police report, that they had to climb a chain link fence, go down a 30-foot wooden ladder into the big construction hole, then up a 20-foot mud hill to reach the crane, and after that, up 150 feet to the cab (and of course back down again). Next, followups on a few incidents that readers reported here in the past few days, including a drive-by shooting and the alleged Starbucks groper:

BULLET HOLES IN CAR, HOUSE: Though we didn’t see the formal report on the 44th/Hanford “shots fired” from Saturday night, we did find the report for another gunshot case that came up in the comments after that post, on 45th near Charlestown. A man told police he was inside his house when he heard several shots. Turned out not only had his car been shot, but a bullet also had come into his house, by the front door and into the living room. No one was hit. The man told police a car in front of his house had been “shot up” two years earlier.

SUSPECTED GROPER STOPPED: Last Friday morning, we shared a reader report about a man trying to touch women at the Westwood Village Starbucks. A few hours later, the same man turned up in The Junction, where an employee of one store said he had touched her inappropriately twice, and an employee of another store had noticed him “acting strangely.” Officers answering the call about him also got word of what had happened earlier at Westwood, and caught up with the 37-year-old suspect at a third Junction store. He is now ordered to stay away from the stores where he is accused of causing trouble.

TROUBLE IN ANOTHER STARBUCKS: Saturday morning, employees of the Morgan Junction Starbucks reported a man begging for money in the store; a customer complained, they approached him, he got nasty, they called 911. The 29-year-old man left before police arrived; a few hours later, a man matching the description caused a disturbance near The Junction, where officers talked with him; a bit later, they caught up with him causing trouble yet again, this time in the 5000 block of California, where they reminded him he was under orders to stay out of the Morgan Junction Starbucks nearby. But he turned up there later — and fell asleep; employees woke him up to tell him he had to leave, he refused, police then were able to arrest him for criminal trespassing. (We just checked the jail register, and as of right now, he’s still behind bars.)

BURGLARY INTERRUPTED: In the 4400 block of 40th SW, a woman came home on Saturday afternoon and found the back door window broken, with drawers emptied and stuff all over the floor. She grabbed her child and bolted for a neighbor’s house to call 911. Officers discovered an empty backpack and duffel bag in the house, leading them to believe the burglar had been interrupted before getting away with much.

BURGLARY NOT INTERRUPTED: In the 3800 block of California SW between 10 am and 7:30 pm Monday, someone entered a couple’s apartment through an unlocked bathroom window, stole “several items,” and got away through a door.

DETERMINED CAR PROWLER: Just after 3 o’clock this morning in the 8400 block of 17th SW, someone had to try three times to smash a car window to get to a purse left inside the car. The call to 911 reported “two loud thuds” followed by an alarm; police surmise that a brick was slammed first against the windshield, causing it to “spider web”; then the brick was slammed against another window but only scratched it; finally a different brick was hurled through yet another window, which did break, enabling the purse to be stolen.

DON’T LEAVE YOUR KEYS IN ANYONE’S CAR: Between Saturday night and Sunday morning, a ’99 Chevy Malibu was stolen from the 8400 block of 25th SW after someone broke into another car nearby and found the Malibu’s keys in that car.

DON’T ASSUME YOU KNOW WHO’S IN YOUR CAR: Early last Friday, a woman came home in the 3700 block of SW Oregon and noticed someone in her roommate’s car. She thought it was the roommate’s boyfriend; but a few minutes later, the roommate said no, no one should be in the car. The car intruder got away with what was described as “a small amount of change.”

ANOTHER CAR BREAK-IN: Between Friday night and Saturday morning, rubber was ripped off the window of a car in the 8400 block of 36th SW, and a stereo/CD player was stolen.

ANOTHER CAR WINDOW BROKEN: Between Saturday night and Sunday morning, the driver-side window of a car in the 7500 block of 24th SW was smashed, but it didn’t appear anything was taken.

BRICK THROWN THROUGH DOOR: Before 7 pm last Friday night, a brick was thrown through the glass in the front door of a home in the 3700 block of Admiral. (9:35 PM UPDATE: As Diana mentions in the comments below, this is the incident she describes in a 1/11/08 post that’s on our Crime Watch page. More details there.)

CHURCH GRAFFITI: A neighbor told police this morning that a large amount of graffiti had appeared over the weekend on walls and a fence at the Seattle Gospel Hall Church in the 9200 block of 3rd SW.

INTERESTING CORRECTION: Saturday afternoon, police investigating a hit-and-run at Fauntleroy and Findlay pulled over a suspect vehicle in the 6900 block of Fauntleroy. They found the car’s owner in the back seat; he first tried to give them a fake name, but finally admitted who he was. They say he was in possession of five pipes; when an officer asked him why he had so many crack pipes, according to the police report, he said, they’re not crack pipes, they’re meth pipes.

As we always remind you – don’t hesitate to call police when you see or hear something suspicious, and of course when you believe a crime has been (or is being) committed. In addition to 911, there’s a non-emergency line at 206/625-5011. A big collection of Seattle Police crime-prevention resources is available online here. And previous WSB police-report coverage is archived on our Crime Watch page.

22 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: The crane caper, and more"

  • JMR January 15, 2008 (6:56 pm)

    Holy crap, why did I move into this neighborhood? I walk many nights along 44th and 45th and it’s a shooting gallery.

  • Diana January 15, 2008 (8:44 pm)

    Please review my original post of crime in the North Admiral area on 1-11-08 and the above “Brick Thrown Through Door.” I did not advise the officer that I knew who might be to blame. The information that I provided was exactly as I described to WSB. Neighbors should know that these were roving vandals and not known to me. In addition several bricks and large rocks were found up and down Admiral Way in the median and in neighbor’s parking strips the next day. Be alert.

  • brendan January 15, 2008 (9:17 pm)

    Just a note about car theft,
    A few years ago I owned a total beater 84 Subaru that was stolen at night, from in front of my house when I lived in Ballard (about 20ft. from my bedroom window). The police officer who I filed the report with told me that Seattle is one of the top car crime cities in the country because there isn’t much the cops can do to a car thief. If they catch the person, the owner of the stolen vehicle has to be the one to take legal action or the thief gets let go. I was lucky that the theif didn’t cause any damage or my car would have been totaled. It was found 6 months later about 5 miles away when someone finally decided to report it. Get a steering wheel lock, don’t leave any valuables in the car and if you want to save your windows, leave a door unlocked.

  • k January 15, 2008 (9:20 pm)

    I don’t get it– if someone is inappropriately touching and groping can’t that person be arrested instead of being told to stay out of a store???
    If someone groped me they may end up in the hospital!!

  • WSB January 15, 2008 (9:34 pm)

    Diana — Didn’t realize that was the same one (which is still on the Crime Watch page) – by “knew who might be to blame” we didn’t mean “knew the person” but “had a suspicion of who it might be,” as in, the people who had bothered you earlier. Will amend the language anyway and also provide a cross-reference.

  • TheHouse January 15, 2008 (11:20 pm)

    C’mon. Let’s celebrate diversity and build more affordable lower income housing! That’ll solve our crime problems!!

    Obama in 2008!

    Oh, crud…I feel dizzy…did I type that? Must have had some strong mushrooms in my salad this evening.

  • hj January 15, 2008 (11:41 pm)

    Would someone post the time of that funeral next Tuesday…….live in the area and would like to know what time it is….ty

  • Jan January 16, 2008 (12:07 am)

    House….are you saying that because I make a lot less money than you do,that I live in a rental, that I’m uneducated? that I have a propensity towards being a criminal? That the crime problems are only crimes of color? You’re really serious? You are an elitist of the highest degree….heaven forbid we were all like you…what an intolerant community this would be. You’re actually teaching your children to believe this crap?

  • Jiggers January 16, 2008 (1:51 am)

    brenden, that was funny leave a door unlocked….lmao!!

  • Gina January 16, 2008 (5:55 am)

    Everyone that doesn’t have a garage to park their car in should move to South Dakota, or Kansas. Plenty of affordable homes with garages there. :P

  • cheyenne January 16, 2008 (6:32 am)

    A 14 y.o.neighbor of ours tried to break into our old beater toyota and we were spared broken windows or doorlocks because it was unlocked. Luckily one of us was up late in the garage and the dog barked, my spousal unit went out to see two young guys with a spatula and a hatchet, who ran but were caught because we called 911 and a neighbor with a police scanner saw the kids running (at 1 ayem!) and heard the cops describe the situation. This was in 1994.

  • Kayleigh January 16, 2008 (8:09 am)

    Shhh, Jan. You’ll wake House from his dream that the only people who commit crimes are poor people and people of color…shhhhh…;-)

    PS–My Toyota was broken into several times and finally stolen (shortly after, my ex-husband totalled it; may the long-suffering thing RIP.) The thieves actually left their pager and bags of clothing in my trunk. The police found the car and returned it to me, but seemingly did nothing to investigate, even with all that evidence.

  • CMP January 16, 2008 (8:57 am)

    It’s really sad to see all of this crime happening around here, even though I know it’s been going on for a long time. I’d also like to say that I went to college in Kansas and never once had a garage to park my car in during my four years there. For those of you fortunate enough to have one, I’m jealous. I wake up every morning hoping that my old Civic is still outside with windows intact. Luckily, each time it’s been broken into (3x in WS), the window was slim-jimmed so no major repairs required. Makes me think I had the “nice” car burglars!

  • SEC January 16, 2008 (9:37 am)

    I feel the same way as CMP, I’m so happy to walk outside in the morning and still see my old Civic. It too has been broken into 3 times and it’s only a matter of time till it happens again. Take as much precaution as you can, never ever leave anything in there.

  • MargL January 16, 2008 (10:18 am)

    My husband’s Civic was broken into several times before it was finally taken, stripped and dumped in Burien. Lately we’ve been having folks come up to our door or leave notes on my Civic asking if we’d like to sell it, which is certainly nicer than just taking it!

  • m January 16, 2008 (2:18 pm)

    If you own a Civic you just need to get used to the fact it’s going to get broken into- probably multiple times. I’ve lost track myself, but last time they busted in just to steal the spare tire. WTF? I filed a police report too- that was a year ago so I’m glad WSB wasn’t reporting crime stats back then. It would make for a boring report!

  • jrd January 16, 2008 (4:08 pm)

    “Lately we’ve been having folks come up to our door or leave notes on my Civic asking if we’d like to sell it”

    This sounds completely and totally strange to me. Why would people do that? Why wouldn’t they just go to a used car lot? I’d keep your eye on your neighbors.

  • WSB January 16, 2008 (5:38 pm)

    “k” – We checked with Lt. Paulsen and they did indeed arrest the guy and transport him. However, they didn’t have enough to book him into jail – the kind of touching in this case was borderline – guess I could have been more graphic in the description to reduce concern – it was more of the ‘brushing up’ type and not involving the, um, most private of private parts.

  • MAS January 16, 2008 (5:39 pm)

    Uh, did some of you get an sarcasmectomy? Maybe you didn’t read the mushroom part of TheHouse’s comment or read it and were confused by it.

    To make a clearly inflammatory statement, followed by a claim that it must have been influenced by psychedelic drugs would appear to make fun of the statements themselves, not support the stated views.

    TheHouse can speak for himself obviously, but that’s certainly how I read his post.

    Personally, I’m in no need of public housing assistance but feel strangely motivated to break into Hondas and steal the spare tire from time to time. I find if I buy myself a latte the feeling passes.

  • JanS January 16, 2008 (8:25 pm)

    MAS…I suppose neither of us can speak for him…knowing that he’s more of a conservative Republican, I took his mushroom statement to mean that he actually said “Obama in 2008″…guess it’s all in the interpretation :)

    My problem with spare tires is that most of them aren[t tires…they’re those little…um…”mushroom” thingies that maybe go for about 50 miles or so..not hardly worth stealing, huh.Remember the time they used to be actual tires?

  • MargL January 16, 2008 (9:04 pm)

    Ho ho – Now we’ll know where to look when our spare tire comes up missing! ;-P

  • m January 17, 2008 (9:04 am)

    Watch out all Civic owners- I still haven’t gotten around to replacing it! lol- one of these days I’ll make it over to the junkyard in Woodinville to get a new one. Until then, if I get a flat I’m a bit screwed. But that’s why I added the emergency towing to my insurance coverage :)

Sorry, comment time is over.