Alki Urban Market sign sighting


Just up on the future store’s door in the past 24 hours or so. The fine print is an e-mail address at the domain “” The website at that address doesn’t mention the Alki location right now but lists 9 others around the area and describes the parent company as “a company dedicated to the development of ‘high end’ delicatessen stores in the Seattle & Eastside Metropolitan Areas to serve the particular neighborhood they are located in with high quality products and services. Utilizing well known quality products such as Boar Head meats and cheeses, Appasionato Coffees, quality groceries, health foods and fine Washington Wines.”

17 Replies to "Alki Urban Market sign sighting"

  • k December 21, 2007 (2:13 pm)

    surprised to see it’s a chain of sorts. was hoping for a “mom & pop” kind of place.

  • Jan December 21, 2007 (2:57 pm)

    sounds good to me…definitely quality products….and if they employ local people maybe it’ll still seem “mom and pop-ish” :)

  • k December 21, 2007 (3:00 pm)

    hope you’re right jan. i agree with the quality products statement. good to see!

  • H December 21, 2007 (3:10 pm)

    Just so nice that Alki will have a wee grocery store again! yay!

  • Jo December 21, 2007 (5:34 pm)

    Wow, I just checked their website – this is a classy outfit. I don’t mind that it isn’t a mom/pop. I’m just totally psyched that we’re getting a quality deli/market.
    Can’t wait!

  • BB December 21, 2007 (6:19 pm)

    I am hoping they make sandwiches with great bread and interesting recipes. We need a really good sandwich shop ’round here. Love Husky but sometimes the lack of organization at the counter is too much.

  • Cami December 21, 2007 (6:31 pm)

    Fellow Alki Residents,

    WE NEED TO KEEP THEM IN BUSINESS! Thanks, Santa! This was on many wishlists!

  • GenHillOne December 21, 2007 (7:35 pm)

    Just a little warning (with a little good news) – The Essential Market location is near my office; opened about 8 weeks ago. Not cheap. $5.00 for a half tuna sandwich! It was pretty good, but maybe not $5-for-a-half good. I didn’t know it was a chain and will give them this – the 4th Ave location is downstairs from a posh condo and kitty corner from the Fairmont Hotel. They sell a nice combo of deli sandwiches/gourmet snacks (think Met Market) along with beer, wine, and a few staples. I think the downtown location, with its neighbors and its offerings, is brilliant – where else is a hotel guest going to get a bottle of wine without the Fairmont’s mark-up or a condo owner going to pick up a carton of milk? They should do well. If the stock and prices are the same, I guess it will remain to be seen if it will survive in the neighborhood. If you would walk to Met Market for a few things, then maybe you’ll walk to this spot and be willing to spend the same. The staff is also very nice at the downtown location.

  • Mr. JT December 21, 2007 (10:24 pm)

    GenHillOne. Are they the same operation? The new market in the Cobb Building is the “Essential Market” this is the “Urban Martket”. Hopefully the one on Alki similar to the downtown location, abiet pricy, but a good product, and fast friendly service.

  • WSB December 21, 2007 (11:41 pm)

    Same operation according to the website – it lists that store and about half a dozen others on the left side of its page.

  • Mr. JT December 22, 2007 (9:56 am)

    WSB, thanks for the clairification, thats good news for Alki !

  • Alki Res. December 22, 2007 (10:00 am)

    Wonder if they will be selling Lotto tickets??? And how much $$$ for a gallon of milk???

  • Aidan Hadley December 22, 2007 (1:40 pm)

    I hope they will not be selling Lotto tickets and I’d shop there for expensive organic and raw milk.

  • JayDee December 22, 2007 (4:32 pm)

    The staff at the Essential Market appear close-knit, if not a family. One of the staff is quite cheery, and remembered my off-hand comment that I like Macs between visits.

    Yes, the food is not cheap, but Husky Deli is in the same range. The Essential Market carries a nice selection of merchandise, and I don’t recall seeing Maddog 20/20 there either.

    – J.

  • Alki Res. December 23, 2007 (9:10 am)

    So No lottO Because…

  • JoOfsthus December 23, 2007 (9:48 am)

    MAYBE no lotto…because:
    when I worked at Alki Market, we found that having Lotto put a real strain on a store’s manpower, i.e., a run on people buying lotto tickets right at dinner rush hour. When there’s a big jackpot, you almost need a dedicated checker and register. And even if there wasn’t a huge jackpot, the extra time it took to sell lotto tickets just resulted in longer lines and a longer wait to check out. The revenue gained by selling Lotto tickets isn’t that great. This little market probably won’t have a huge staff.

  • daina July 8, 2008 (9:08 pm)

    I live on Alki. I miss the store soooo much. I WAS stoked to see a new lil store go in. Happy to see it looked Mom and Pop. So not. Disappionting to say the least. You never know what youre going to find. if you saw it like the last week-not necessarily this week. The Grocery Outlet has more consistancy. The dude that runs it is surely at best. To hell with this place. I want a real Mom and Pop. Or a Trader Joes if there is going to be a chain… I also agree with my girlfriend, this is a bougee store that needs to be just a mom and pop store. Just give us the basics please.

Sorry, comment time is over.