Between the buying and the bulldozing

Rhonda at Beach Drive Blog caught a sign of frustration at 4233 Beach Drive — the future teardown next to Schmitz Viewpoint that we mentioned 8/30. Looks like the neighbors filed a complaint in addition to posting that sign. The city site shows  permits were granted 8/27 to demolish the old house and build two new single-family homes there, plus a DPD decision dated 8/30; the permit applications were filed 15 months earlier; property records show several transactions for the site since it was sold in March of last year by someone who’d owned it for a decade. (Its owner  appears linked to a homebuilding company with addresses in Bothell and Lynnwood.) With all that recent administrative action, likely means the bulldozers are on the way, but in the meantime, the complaint certainly means that city inspectors are too. The city explains rules about vacant buildings on page 9 of this DPD newsletter.

2 Replies to "Between the buying and the bulldozing"

  • David September 12, 2007 (4:02 pm)

    It’s about DAMN time! I’ve walked by this ugly falling in vacant rat trap for this last year. The windows are gone on one side (mattress leaned up to block the worst of the rain), and I love the broken hot tub in the corner of the yard, and yes the garbage. It’s one thing for a house to just be ‘vacant’ while it’s for sale, but for a year this thing has been sitting their as a giant junk pile. I live a few blocks down, and I was always surprised the immediate neighbors didn’t complain more about it.

  • Rhonda Porter September 13, 2007 (6:57 am)

    I don’t see how this has been allowed to sit in that state for so long. It seems like the older white house north of the brown one that is also a future tear down is taking a long time too. Or maybe I’m just impatient.

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