Happy Heart Day

That’s the wish to all of WS from Kelly — who took this photo tonight to capture a view you may have spotted from the waterfront or the bridge (it’s the WaMu building):


8 Replies to "Happy Heart Day"

  • Robert February 14, 2007 (5:14 am)

    They did “13” the night before the last Seahawks Playoff game. I’m looking forward to more of these “cheesy” displays. Way to go WAMU!

  • Cathy G February 14, 2007 (5:35 am)

    That’s really nice, thanks, Kelly!

  • Mona February 14, 2007 (6:02 am)

    I always thought that the dome on the other WAMU building looked like Ban roll-on deodorant.

  • Robert February 14, 2007 (7:13 am)

    Oops meant “12” (as in 12th Man). Memo to self: no commenting prior to 6 AM!

  • Jiggers February 14, 2007 (9:44 am)

    I’m going out to the bars tonight. This is the best day of the year to find women other than New Years is tonight.

  • anon February 14, 2007 (2:13 pm)

    jiggers- question. Do men like to approach women who are alone at bars? Or is that a turn off?

  • Mike February 14, 2007 (4:24 pm)

    Jiggers, what can else can I say; you add some real spice to this site!

  • Jiggers February 15, 2007 (11:11 pm)

    Thanks Mike:

    anon; Answer to your ? doesn’t reflect all men of course but in my case, I like to cruise the bars by myself because I don’t like to worry about were or what my other friend is doing. I know a few spots were I know a lot of people anyways so I’m never alone. To me I don’t think its a turn off if she’s alone, unless she’s Fugly. Its easier for a guy to meet a girl by themselves than if they are with their friends. Any girl out by themselves is almost certainly looking. They aren’t distracted by their friends and can converse with you. But its rare today that they hang out by themselves. Most women in W.S are homely. Hint: I like to venture across the bridge than hang out in the Junction, even though I only live three blocks from there.

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