Thank you

We started WSB exactly 1 year ago, Christmas Eve morning 2005, so we’re taking this occasion to thank you for stopping by, and also to offer special thanks to the folks who take the time to send us e-mail or leave comments with observations, opinions, tips, whatever. We’ll save the “year in review” for next week; for now, a very merry Christmas Eve to you!

16 Replies to "Thank you"

  • Andre December 24, 2006 (11:29 am)

    Thank you for running WSB!!

    It’s one of the blogs that I check out daily (usually, once in the morning and then again the evening). Very addictive…

    Merry Christmas!

  • Keith December 24, 2006 (11:51 am)

    Happy Anniversary and thanks for your great work!

  • neighbor December 24, 2006 (12:28 pm)

    Thanks for a great year! We read you every day.

  • lightsplash December 24, 2006 (12:32 pm)

    You are a pillar of the community, in a very real sense. Thank you for two years of conscientious effort!

  • The House December 24, 2006 (12:38 pm)

    Thanks again, WS Blogger. You’re pprovided a great venue to share info, data and opinions and for that I am grateful! Keep up the great work and we’ll keep supporting you/spreading the word!

    Merry Christmas!

  • Allie December 24, 2006 (1:02 pm)

    Like Andre, we also read this blog a few times a day. We really appreciate all the effort that goes into keeping the information relevant and up-to-date. Thanks for all of your hard work. Happy Holidays to you!

  • K December 24, 2006 (1:56 pm)

    Many thanks for all you do! It’s the first place I stop in the morning and the last at night! Your hard work is appreciated! Peace!

  • Alki readers December 24, 2006 (2:12 pm)

    And thanks again from us: you continue to inform and entertain us! Happy Holidays.

  • SchoonerExact December 24, 2006 (8:58 pm)

    Thank you so much for all of your hard work! This site is definitely in the “how did I live before this?” category! Best wishes for the future. Happy holidays!

  • Marge Carpenter December 24, 2006 (11:39 pm)

    Thank you WSB – you are my first and last stop for local news every day. Keep up the good work.


  • Jackie December 25, 2006 (4:38 am)

    Christmas greetings from Deutschland. Appreciate the news from West Seattle and wish you success in 2007.

  • Jen December 25, 2006 (9:15 am)

    Echo echo everyone else. Love your blog, appreciate your efforts and all the info you deliver daily, WSB. Thank you today & everyday!

  • Schulz December 25, 2006 (10:18 am)

    I found this website a few months ago and it like everyone else is a place I checked as much as I check my email. And boy do I check my email. I love the tips, recommendations, the links to other sites and the own personal feel like someone is out there guiding me through our neighbor. Also Thank you for keeping me updated on the Windy Wallop, I relied on you more than Seattle City Light.
    Thank you very much and I look forward to the New Year reading your blog.

  • David December 25, 2006 (8:57 pm)

    Thanks for the fantastic job you do! Had I checked your site earlier today I would have known where to find my early afternoon mocha! Oh well. One day without wasn’t that rough. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! All the best to your and your family in 2007. I don’t know where you find the time to keep up with the blog entries. My wife and I check in frequently and also tell other West Seattleites about your site. Thanks again!

  • cami December 26, 2006 (10:07 am)

    WSB- Many thanks from Chico, CA. I feel close to home by checking in at WSB!

  • Angela December 26, 2006 (9:02 pm)

    Thanks WSB!! After living in WS for over 20 years, I truly appreciate the connection you give your blog community. Thanks and Cheers to 2007!

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