6:27 AM: Picking up from our all-night coverage – right now, Foss tugs are pulling the Polar Pioneer out of the west mouth of the Duwamish River, a month after its arrival, and a kayak blockade is trying to stop it.

Heavy police and Coast Guard presence in the area, on sea and in the air, plus we’ve seen police bicycle officers at Terminal 5 in the wake of the rig’s pullout.
6:32 AM: The rig and tugs are fully out in the bay now and the blockade appears to be moving along with them.

6:35 AM: The tugs and rig briefly stopped but are now moving, very slowly, again. Commenters in our earlier coverage asked why protesters are trying to stop it from leaving, since they didn’t want it here in the first place.

They have said that the point is to try to keep it from getting to the Arctic in its relatively short summer window, to stop it from drilling.
Tugs and Polar Pioneer going verrrrry slowly. #shellno group moving with them pic.twitter.com/PNmu0jKuQr
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) June 15, 2015
6:47 AM: The group continues to advance toward Duwamish Head, tugs, Polar Pioneer, kayakers and all. The Lindsey Foss and Garth Foss are pulling the Polar Pioneer while the Andrew Foss and Henry Foss are behind. The first three also were among the tugs that brought it into Seattle from Port Angeles on May 14th.
Someone asked if the Water Taxi was affected. No. pic.twitter.com/PdjysE6NfY
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) June 15, 2015
7:10 AM: We’ve moved over to Don Armeni, which has been protest HQ for some days now. Red flags are set up on the shore.
Polar Pioneer in the distance, #shellno red flags in foreground pic.twitter.com/AxbscUel8e
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) June 15, 2015
7:19 AM: The protest group says there have been “several arrests.” No further details or confirmation so far.
7:47 AM: We’re still at Don Armeni, but about to move on; the rig is out of sight, and some kayakers continue returning to the ramp here. Most of the citywide media has left. We asked if anyone knows how long the Solar Pioneer barge will stay; no info on that yet. (As we reported last night, a cleanup is scheduled today at the spot near Seacrest where its cables and blocks did damage before it moved west.)
From Duwamish Head. Way in the distance now. pic.twitter.com/iGVWY18eYD
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) June 15, 2015
8:28 AM: We’re back at HQ and will be adding/replacing some photos. If any new information emerges later, regarding arrests or anything else related to today’s departure, we’ll update this story. A couple points in the meantime:
*Polar Pioneer is headed first to Dutch Harbor, AK, a 12-day trip, according to this Houston Chronicle story we linked and explained in our overnight report
*Foss has a 2-year lease with the Port of Seattle for part of Terminal 5, and the plan has been for Shell to return here after Arctic-drilling season. In the meantime, though, the permit fight will play out, with a city hearing set for July 23rd. As we first reported over the weekend, maritime companies are seeking to join that fight, in a group calling itself the “T-5 Intervenors.”
10:10 AM: No arrests confirmed but the Coast Guard has tweeted that 24 people were detained:
#USCG and local agency partners detain 24 people for violating safety zone around #PolarPioneer
— USCGPacificNorthwest (@USCGPacificNW) June 15, 2015
City Councilmember Mike O’Brien is reported to have been among the detainees.
11:48 AM: What the protesters couldn’t do, the tide apparently did – the Shell No group texted about an hour ago – right around the lowest tide of the day, almost the lowest of the month – that Polar Pioneer was “beached” off Bainbridge Island. We were away from HQ but tweeted it and then noted that it was indeed still visible in the distance from Alki. As of right now, MarineTraffic.com still shows it and its accompanying vessels – plus Coast Guard and police – in the same spot off north Bainbridge Island.
11:54 AM: Foss spokesperson Paul Queary says it’s not stuck – it’s a planned change of tugs.
4:45 PM: The Polar Pioneer is currently passing between North Kitsap and South Whidbey. West Seattle pilot/photographer Cuyler Binion shared this aerial view from earlier: