Madison Middle School : Self-Appointed Law Enforcement Deputy for Dog Owners?

Home Forums West Seattle Schools Madison Middle School : Self-Appointed Law Enforcement Deputy for Dog Owners?

  • This topic has 17 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by bunny.
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    Have any dog owners that use Madison’s lower field run into a man that enjoys harassing them? He seems to think that it’s his job to enforce the no-dog or pot-bellied pig law on school grounds. It’s after hours or on weekends, the school is closed, is it really harming anyone? The lower field is half covered with construction equipment anyway. There is NO DOG PARK for North Admiral pets.



    This is the sort of post that makes the Seattle stereotype so hard to shake. Presumably you got told off for breaking the law, and instead of yelling back at the guy you came to anonymously whine on the internet?

    Before you posted this I wouldn’t have had any sympathy for you getting chewed out for what you did. Now that you’ve posted this I don’t have any respect for you, either.



    Well…isn’t that what people in a civilized society do but respect and follow the law???. Owning a pet is NOT a right-sorry it’s true. NOBODY has ever, or will ever stop you, or anybody else from getting any law changed. Why is it so important to ignore laws you don’t like??? Complaining you’re “harassed” when someone tells you you’re breaking the law speaks volumes about your feelings of entitlement.




    I would love to see a pot bellied pig running free,we have free roaming turkeys– where are the piggies playing?



    Just another example of a persons sense of entitlement. You broke the rules and got called out for it, complaining here is probably not going to give you the justification you are looking for.



    If anything, the “self-appointed law enforcement deputy” should be commended for getting out there and standing up to ignorant, entitled scofflaws like the OP. If you don’t have the perfect living conditions for keeping a dog, don’t have one. Either that, or get your lazy bum out there and take the poor dog for a walk. It might do you some good.



    Well, I asked two questions in my post, and no one that responded bothered to answer either one. To heartless, “presumably” is your word that sums up your post. You presume a lot, that I was “told off”, “yelling back” and “chewed out”. You were not there, so don’t presume anything. To “CarDriver”, no answers here, only comments about “complaining” as he or she likes to address it, and over punctuated sentences. “aa” writes about complaining as well, no answers, only lack of elementary school level punctuation. “anonyme” has the gall to call me “lazy” when I walk my dog two to four miles per day, in addition to other activities. I’ll measure my “lazy bum” up against this participant’s gluteus maximus any day of the week, and I’m sixty-five years old. “Ignorant”, hardly. Had this been a sixth-grade assignment, all of you would have failed. Only miws and Gina had helpful posts. Gina, you can view a pot-bellied pet on the corner of 49th and Brandon, where he lives with his human companion.






    1280z. I’ll answer. Your first comment about the man reminding you of the law was just that. You were breaking the law by violating leash laws and violating the no pets on school grounds. If you weren’t breaking the law nothing would have been said to you. The 2nd part is pretty obvious. NOBODY has lobbied the city to make an off-leash dog park in Admiral. Probably because you’re all happy to let your pets run anywhere you feel like and aren’t interested in working for a proper area.



    You’re right, I ignored your questions.

    That’s because I find you obnoxious and entitled.



    I’ll answer. The man called out someone breaking the law. Wish everybody called out law breakers. As far as a dog park. That’s easy. Nobody has lobbied the city to make one. Probably because you’re all too happy to ignore leash/no dogs allowed laws. More fun to break than change, I guess.



    I don’t think replies to posts are obligated to answer questions. I agree my punctuation is not the best. Too many drugs and family difficulties during the years it was taught in school.



    Question: “It’s after hours or on weekends, the school is closed, is it really harming anyone?”
    Answer: Yes, it absolutely is harming people. So many times people try to use a field or a trail or a park and there are off-leash dogs illegally running around. Some people are afraid of dogs. Some people don’t want to be bit. I know that your dog would *never* bother a person, but I assure you that every person who has been bit or chased by a dog was done so by a dog that would *never* bother a person. OP, please follow the rules, and if you see someone not following the rules then ask them to follow the rules.



    I don’t recall who said it, but I agree wholeheartedly, with the original post being right on the money in its enforcement of the stereotypes that abound about this region. If you’ve got the what it takes to break the law (it’s posted on the gates and fences) then you’ve got what it takes to accept the consequences. In this case it’s just someone calling you out on it…seems pretty lightweight to me, but it’s tweaked that sense of self-righteousness in you.

    Just because it’s not causing immediate and discernible harm doesn’t mean that it’s not still illegal-despite how you feel about it. This is a concept that young children grasp; it’s against the rules, therefore you don’t do it. It would seem that we age out of that understanding and move on to equivocation and rationalizing. It’s ironic, isn’t it, that your anger is about possibly being called out rather than being upset with those that violate the rules that are in place to protect the health and wellbeing of those that use that playfield and periodically end up with a face full of it and hopefully just the field…that’s the purpose of those laws to protect HEALTH and safety of the users of a public school playfield.

    No, there is no dog park specific to those who live in the Admiral District. There is no specific dog park for anyone, even those on Mercer Island who feel that Luther Burbank belongs just to them. Anyone can use any dog park. I’m sure you know that but you seem really put out that there isn’t one for your neighborhood, it’s okay to go use one in another neighborhood. Further, it’s extremely unlikely that there will ever be a dog park in the Admiral neighborhood, where would you put it? A new one is in the works and it will take years for that to become a reality.

    Your second post is riddled with what I’ve noted as a new and aggravating trend of apparent anger that I don’t respond the way that you want. I don’t have to address your questions, I can say what I want, even if you think it is unrelated. I can criticize the concepts that you put forth and any crappy rhetoric you put forward. Your original post certainly led myself and others to presume that you were yelled at, given that that’s how you began this whole thread and it’s a reasonable thing to conclude. Further, in your second sullen post you don’t clarify anything, only attack the posts of others, other than to say you want to compare derrieres. To wrap this bit up, you also decide to go so far as criticizing the writing of others and compare it to that of a 6th grader.

    So, to wrap up, your argument is terrible “I don’t like it and can’t see who it immediately hurts so the law doesn’t apply”, followed by “going to legal dog parks is inconvenient so I can use the school field”. Terrible arguments. I hope you’re not an attorney.



    1280z, if your rule-breaking “isn’t harming anyone”, it’s only because MOST dog owners choose to follow the rules. If we all ran our dogs on the Madison playfield, it would be rendered unusable for its intended purposes in short order. So you’re basically counting on the rest of us to follow the rules so that you can continue to feel OK about breaking them. THAT’S some entitlement.



    I am that man and I apparently have quite the reputation in the off-leash dog community now. Good, that means it is working.

    People in the neighborhood feel unsafe with the off leash dog activity at that field. People have been bitten, kids’ toys destroyed, and the field is covered in dog holes and garbage that I clean up a couple times a month. I want to play soccer with my daughter there without having to look over my shoulder every few minutes for dogs charging at us.

    A lot of dog owners apparently aren’t comfortable getting called out breaking the law and being a public nuisance. Animal Control doesn’t have the resources. The school staff, including leadership are extremely frustrated by your presence. So yes, I stepped up.

    I’ll ask you to leave. If you are rude or don’t leave I report you to animal control (they need pictures, so smile!).

    Come join me filling dog holes or picking up trash on Sundays. I’ll happily answer your questions, just please leave your dog at home.


      Madison Middle School does not want your dogs on the field.

    How many no dog signs can you count on that field?

    Please don’t take our silence as approval.
    Please don’t justify your defiance by saying “dogs don’t hurt the field” or “half the field is blocked anyway”.
    Kids use that field for sports all the time. They have been hurt because of dogs. How many holes have been filled after a dog dug it out? in the middle of the field no less.
    Please find somewhere else to run your pooch. I did. My dog is still happy and loves me the same.

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