READER REPORT: Carjack attempt?

Received late Tuesday night from a reader who asked to remain anonymous:

(Tuesday) morning, 6/4/24, at around 5:20 am I was driving up Jacobsen Rd coming from Beach Dr SW when two vehicles attempted to box me in. The black SUV in front of me backed up and tried to use their vehicle to block me and the blue Chevrolet Avalanche sped up close to me. I was able to go around the black SUV, but then the blue pickup truck sped up to follow closely behind, I thought they were going to attempt hit my SUV. Both vehicles continued to follow me at a high speed as I was on the phone with 911, I was also honking my horn continuously in hopes to have someone witness/help. I was able to drive up behind a Rivian truck that was also out early in the morning and after that both vehicles turned into another street as we approached 49th ST; I continued to follow the Rivian truck as I was so scared they would come back and being so early there weren’t any other cars out. I probably scared the owner of the Rivian, but I don’t know what would have happened if they weren’t also on the road this morning – so very thankful for them.

I believe they were attempting to carjack my SUV, as I have a fairly newer vehicle. Just wanted to share this as Jacobsen Rd is a little isolated in the mornings and sometimes cell service can be spotty.

21 Replies to "READER REPORT: Carjack attempt?"

  • Pelicans June 5, 2024 (4:12 am)

    Oh my gosh dear so thankful you are safe, and had the presense of mind to get clear  of this.

  • Tracey June 5, 2024 (4:45 am)

    So glad you came out OK.  Other than emotionally traumatized of course.  What a scary incident.  I guess I am glad to be driving my 14 year old car in this town.  Take care.

  • Rocky Bullwinkle June 5, 2024 (5:36 am)

    Sorry to hear about your frightening experience. You handled yourself very well. I wish our West Seattle police force were staffed enough to sit a police car at each of our junctions so they can respond quickly to situations like yours. But that is not the case because they are too understaffed. So it falls on us to be vigilant for ourselves…like you were…and for our fellow neighbors. I hope you’re able to shake off the feelings of your bad experience soon. 

  • Person June 5, 2024 (5:53 am)

    So scary! Glad you are ok.Did the police respond?

  • Seattlite June 5, 2024 (6:29 am)

    What a horrific experience.  In my opinion, this victim did exactly what I would have done…flee.   The victim’s nerves are probably shattered but he or she made it out of their scary ordeal without physical injury.  Today’s lawlessness from speeding to carjacking are symptoms of bad policies.  

  • Les June 5, 2024 (7:03 am)

    Is your SUV an Audi? They seem to be the preferred brand to be car jacked these days.

  • Concerned Neighbor June 5, 2024 (7:10 am)

    So sorry to hear this happened to you. I hope you are able to take time and heal as much as possible.They were probably using that long road as a poaching environment for any  cars coming up. Best wishes

  • Jeepney June 5, 2024 (7:17 am)

    Extremely scary and unsettling, very glad this had a good outcome.

  • Lola June 5, 2024 (8:14 am)

    Thank you for reporting.  I live fairly close and that would have been scary to have happen to me.  It sounds like you did the right thing tho and you had the cops on the line.  It is scary out there these days with all of the shootings and the stealing of cars I am glad you are safe.  

  • Drive Safe June 5, 2024 (10:01 am)

    I wonder what the police would recommend in that situation. Obviously, calling 911 is first. 

    I also recommend NOT tailgating while driving or even when stopped at a red light; always consider worst case scenarios … give yourself enough room to get around any blockage. 

    Always lock your doors, very easy for someone to open your driver door while you’re not paying attention. 

    Lean on your horn.  Drive to a nearby police or fire station, again obvious if you can get there.

    Any other thoughts?

    • Rhonda June 5, 2024 (3:15 pm)

      Calling 911 is SECONDARY to escaping alive. Your first priority is to get away as quickly as possible to a safe distance and then call 911. 

  • Gerry June 5, 2024 (10:47 am)

    You really handled this well.    It’s a shame you had to go through something like this.

  • Alki resident June 5, 2024 (11:07 am)

    I have a dash cam for the front and back. After being rear ended, I felt it was time. You did everything right. This was a terrifying read and it’s likely these cars were stolen, but I hope they’re caught soon. That street is not well known to outsiders, so makes me wonder what led them go that block.

    • Brian June 5, 2024 (7:09 pm)

      It’s not unreasonable to presume that the masses that descend on Alki every summer know the ways to get from Beach Drive to California at every opportunity. 

    • Mel June 6, 2024 (6:04 am)

      I live at the top of Jacobson and can assure you it is well known. It’s a road people from the south take to get down to alki. Often at fast speeds.

  • DR June 5, 2024 (11:31 am)

    Based on what is provided in this message I was going up Jacobsen approximately 10 minutes after you.   I’m sorry this happened to you.   It must have been very scary.   You did the right thing by calling 911 and trying to attract attention to yourself and following another car.

  • You have good skills June 5, 2024 (12:08 pm)

    You did the right thing and thought quickly. We have to remember that we’re driving 3000 to 6000-pound weapons/safe spaces and can use them as tools when attacked. I was carjacked by 4 felons impersonating SPD on 35th SW at 1am in 1993. I was driving a brand-new vehicle. I got pulled over by what seemed like an undercover police car with wig-wag headlights, spotlight, and a loudspeaker. They told me over the loudspeaker to come out with my hands up. When I got out and saw them exit their late-70s Oldsmobile sedan I realized they were gang members and not police. I jumped into my car to drive away but they sped away first. I drove fast to the QFC at Westwood Village to call 911. When I got back home there was an SPD officer sitting on my porch. He asked me my name and told me they caught the 4 at California and Thistle. He drove me down there and I identified all 4 in the spotlight. One officer told me the youngest 18 year-old admitted to trying to steal my car. They were all charged with impersonating police officers, robbery, and another car theft. They were caught at California and Thistle trying to steal a getaway car as they heard on their police scanner the description of their Oldsmobile.

  • Mrs Myrtle June 5, 2024 (12:10 pm)

    Hopefully one of the homes along Jacobson was able to catch some video on doorcam. This kind of crime never occurred when the goat was there. Bring back the goat. 

  • West Seattle Commuter June 5, 2024 (12:29 pm)

    I ride my bike down Jacobsen at about that time almost every day. It is usually very quiet. Crazy to think this could happen at that spot. I’m glad you were able to escape and are ok.

  • PB June 5, 2024 (1:02 pm)

    I was out for a ride too.  4 police cruisers parked at alki starbucks didn’t move from 5:45 to about 6:35

  • AlkiGal June 6, 2024 (8:22 am)

    A few months ago, I was driving up Jacobsen Rd from Beach Dr at probably 1:00pm on a weekday and an older SUV (Honda CRV? early 2000s) slowed down in front of me and then pulled over behind a nice SUV parked along the street, likely a resident of one of the homes. As I slowly passed the vehicle that had slowed and pulled over, the two people in the front seat had full ski masks on, likely about to break into that resident’s car. Got spooked and sped up the hill! 

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