WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Did you see this hit-and-run?

Morgan is hoping somebody on the bridge saw this happen:

I was hit and run today on the West Seattle (Bridge) as I was heading westbound into West Seattle at approximately 12:16 pm. This happened just before the 1st Ave exit in the right-hand lane. I was driving a white 2018 Audi SQ5 and the car that hit me was a black Acura 4-door with dark tinted windows; it looked like a mid-2010 TSX/TL. It hit me 3 times and took off at over 100 mph. They took the Admiral Way exit and then I lost them. They will have right front damage, mostly white paint from my Audi. My entire left side from bumper to front end was damaged. Unfortunately, it happened so fast I couldn’t get a license plate, but there were so many people that witnessed it I was hoping someone saw or recorded it and can provide information to the police. The SPD case # is 24-068499. They never had any intention of stopping, and although I and my dog are sore, it could have been much worse, so I am grateful we are unharmed.

20 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Did you see this hit-and-run?"

  • West Seattle Mad Sci Guy March 12, 2024 (4:40 pm)

    Curious. You said they hit you three times. Was it a deliberate attack? Or did they hit you three times somehow as part of the same accident?

    • Hit and run victim March 12, 2024 (5:01 pm)

      Hi! I am the victim, it was all part of the same accident. They hit me, then kept going which kept hitting me. There are 3 different damaged sections to my car. I was in the right lane, they were cutting across traffic from the far left lane, assuming to avoid the semi trucks that were stopped. They had no intention of stopping and drove erratically at a high rate of speed weaving in and out of traffic. 

      • Westie March 12, 2024 (5:42 pm)

        This may or may not be useful at all, but I was driving on Boeings campus on E Marginal today and was passed by a black SUV driving in the center turning lane trying to erratically pass all the traffic going 20+ over the speed limit. Wondering if it was the same car, the timing sounds about right. Perhaps there are cameras on those roads? 

        • alkistu March 12, 2024 (6:16 pm)

          That is very common to see

      • HS March 12, 2024 (9:08 pm)

        It sounds like it could have been a considerably worse accident. Fingers crossed someone has some footage to share.

      • tim March 13, 2024 (8:51 am)

        Grrrrr.   I hope you’re ok, and I hope the perps are caught and are taught a lesson.

  • Seattlite March 12, 2024 (5:16 pm)

    I am so sorry this happened to you.  Was the car that hit you trying to pass and sideswiped your car?  Call your insurance.   Take photos of your own.  Insurance will probably have you take photos from their app.

  • Dog Whisperer March 12, 2024 (5:36 pm)

    How scary. Hopefully nobody got injured. That’s a loss that can be processed with uninsured motorist coverage, a no fault protection for drivers who carry it. Your damages are covered, even if the other drivers aren’t identified. You did the right thing to file a police report. That same reckless driver might be linked to other crimes as well as yours.

    • Not quite March 12, 2024 (6:13 pm)

      Uninsured motorist coverage is expensive, has a high deductible, and doesn’t cover the cost of completely replacing a later-model vehicle if it’s totaled. You end up with paying the high deductible, higher insurance rate, and still have to hope that you’ll be covered if repair costs are close to the vehicle damage.

      • Bill March 12, 2024 (7:19 pm)

        But without it – you are really SOL! — Look into “Underinsured Motorist” coverage.

        • Cameras March 12, 2024 (7:49 pm)

          I know people don’t like cameras,  London has them everywhere. It sounds like it’s time to get cameras on the West seattle bridge and on our public roads, until we can replace the police that were run out of Seattle

          • J March 13, 2024 (8:39 am)

            What’s funny about this comment is your insinuation that police were removed from Seattle, when, in fact, we have enough police, they just choose to not care to follow road laws themselves, so why and how would they go about holding civilians accountable? The problem is complacency with the PD leadership and City leaders. If anything, remove more officers and fund cameras that catch speeders, erratic and distracted drivers. Use the funds collected in tickets to re-fund a police force that is well trained and educated to be able to maintain that level of accountability. But it starts with an end to the complacency and the fact that officers speed/drive erratic throughout the city as well, while avoiding holding those that run rampant accountable real-time.

          • Byron James March 13, 2024 (10:07 pm)

            You’re a fountain of misinformation 

      • Not quite right March 12, 2024 (7:23 pm)

        Uninsured motorist coverage for most people is not expensive, does not carry a high deductible (typically $100-300) and as a not-at-fault accident, should not increase your rates.  Collision, PIP, and liability are the highest-cost coverages of car insurance.  Source:  Sold insurance for 10 yrs.  

      • Dog Whisperer March 12, 2024 (9:36 pm)

        Uninsured motorist property damage deductible is $300 for a phantom driver  (hit and run) and $100 if the driver is known.  As stated by not quite right.

  • Truck Victim March 12, 2024 (5:41 pm)

    I’m sorry to hear that but I’m glad you weren’t seriously injured. Unfortunately, until June 7th police are not able to pursue hit-and-run vehicles, even ones that ram their own patrol cars. If you or anyone else spots this vehicle do not engage with them. Just call 911 and try to get the plate number and the address of their location. I’m still on the lookout for the truck/driver who almost killed me and totaled my perfect car.

  • Ws neighbor March 12, 2024 (7:03 pm)

    People drive so recklessly on that bridge. I’ve seen people go 100 miles per hour for sure. Today just after 5pm there was a woman in a recycle bin blue smaller suv just raging. She got behind me and I couldn’t get out of her way fast enough. She blew past everyone to the last exit and then turned west onto Oregon. Apparently she’s a very important person. 

  • Robert March 12, 2024 (9:57 pm)

    We’re overdue for some speed cameras on that bridge and/or speed traps–whatever technology and/or staffing allows. There are no consequences for all the reckless speeding and that needs to change. Oh, you got $2,000 in speeding tickets this month? Cry me a river and learn to drive responsibly, or don’t drive at all. Lives and livelihoods are at stake. I feel like I’m rolling the dice every time I drive in this city, and I and I’m sure many others are over it. Very sorry this happened to you.

  • waikikigirl March 13, 2024 (7:00 am)

    First, glad you weren’t hurt and I assume this claim to which I am sure you’re going to use your insurance to cover the damages will now go on your driving record (accident) even though it wasn’t your fault. I was rear-ended exchanged insurance info gave to my insurance had the damaged fixed then a year later or so went looking for new insurance and other insurance said “oh we see your spouse had an accident” it’ll drop off in about 6 months. Oh and the other driver had expired insurance, never kept policy current!  We said but it wasn’t our fault, they said doesn’t matter you used your insurance to fix damages.  Good luck to you.

  • Henry March 16, 2024 (5:46 am)

    If enough people write to SDOT and the local police, they may take note and install speeding cameras. The WS Bridge is always the place to see speed drivers.Speed Cameras would also help catch criminals escaping WS.

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