Bicycle rider injured in hit-run crash on West Marginal Way

Thanks for the tips. A reader texted that photo after happening onto the scene of a collision that happened on West Marginal Way around quarter past 5 tonight. According to archived dispatch audio, this was a hit-and-run – a bicycle rider hit by a driver, whose vehicle was described only as a “red truck.” Early assessment of the rider was “up and talking, with a possible broken leg”; we just heard back from SFD, which says he is a man in his mid-50s, in serious condition when transported to the hospital. We don’t have any information on where the rider was when hit – as the photo shows, emergency responders were at/near the signalized Duwamish Trail crossing.

12 Replies to "Bicycle rider injured in hit-run crash on West Marginal Way"

  • guest January 6, 2024 (11:37 am)

    We know the person injured , he is in traction at hospital and undergoing surgeries. multiple injuries. He said the vehicle that stuck him and fled ran a red light! He was crossing over from trail to bike lane when the person in vehicle ran the red light. Hope he comes out of this ok :( I see a growing number of people running red lights lately

    • WSB January 6, 2024 (11:56 am)

      Thank you for the update.

    • WS Bike Person January 6, 2024 (1:55 pm)

      Best wishes to your friend. I hope they recover 100% and quickive had a near miss nearly every time I cross there. People do not stop. The same is true at the intersection of West Marginal and Highland Park. That right turn onto W M is has and no one bothers to slow down or look for someone crossing the street. SDOT statistics do not reflect the amount of actual pedestrian hits by cars. The cops don’t take reports and everything is a hit and run. 

  • WarOnCars January 6, 2024 (12:51 pm)

    the real consequences of our car infrastructure that drivers are okay significant because it’s seen as “the cost of doing business”. we’ll see 100s of comments in threads about parking because convenience might go away, yet when it comes to really saving lives by doing the one thing we can do: modifying infrastructure, instead pedestrians and the like are told they need to rely on trusting drivers to act accordingly, all while throwing their hands up since they can’t see any way to fix it, and we get tangible harm like this.

  • foop January 6, 2024 (12:51 pm)

    I ride this regularly in the summer, WMW is my main way to get to South Park and the Green river trail which brings me to Renton, Tukwila, and the Interurban system as well as the Cedar River Trail. People run that red all the time which is insane to me. It’s a beg button that only turns red for a human input, people that run it are insanely selfish. I’ve seen the person in the near lane stop at the red just for a car behind them to swerve into the left lane to go around them and blow the light. I’m glad that Rob Saka thinks we have ‘enough for bikes’ when what we do have is so clearly woefully insufficient.With the speeds people travel there I am glad he survived.

    • datamuse January 7, 2024 (11:14 am)

      I’ve been stopped there and people have driven around me just as you describe. I’ve been worried something like this would happen for awhile. Makes me not want to use the crossing when I ride, either.

  • DelridgeDriver January 6, 2024 (3:22 pm)

    Our new councilmember, Rob Saka, has promised to improve law and order. I’m confident that he’ll take some steps to reign in this epidemic of reckless driving. 

    • Odd son January 7, 2024 (4:19 pm)

      I sure hope so. This is definitely something I will be emailing him about/following up on since SPD doesn’t respond to emails (ironically the community liaison officer) and FIFI.

  • CyclistRunnerDude January 6, 2024 (4:23 pm)

    Glad he’s getting care. I wish the best for him. This is such a sketchy crossing. I’ve had multiple close calls here from red-light runners trying to beat the light or just not paying attention. 

  • Deb January 6, 2024 (6:54 pm)

    Anyone know if this pedestrian activated signal qualifies for a photo-camera so that those who can’t be bothered to stop at the stop light can be identified?  

  • bill January 6, 2024 (7:27 pm)

    It’s normal to hear an approaching car speed up when that light begins to change. I fully expect drivers to run that light. Even when all three lanes stop calmly, there is still the center turn lane to be wary of. This would be a good place for red light cameras.

  • bolo January 7, 2024 (11:41 am)

    I cross there regularly as a cyclist and have also witnessed plenty of vehicle driver red light runners there. Also in many many other locations. Seems to be increasing since Covid. Appears to be morphing into an acceptable practice.

    My sympathies to the victim, hoping for a full recovery.

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