West Seattle, Washington
19 Wednesday
As pleasant as it was to gather in warm, dry weather for today’s annual event to call coho home to Fauntleroy Creek, the prevailing hope was for rain to arrive soon. As creek steward Judy Pickens explained it, salmon arriving near the mouth of the creek, south of the Fauntleroy ferry dock, need that flow of fresh water to “sniff out” where to go.
But the weather could change later this week, so the ceremonial call to the salmon – 244 of which showed up last year – proceeded, with songs led by musician and educator Jamie Shilling:
About 30 people participated, many of them children to whom the creek will be entrusted after its longtime stewards are gone.
To encourage new volunteer involvement, Pickens and others who have long cared for the creek offered tributes to two volunteers who have moved on in the past year, Steev Ward and Peggy Cumming. Their achievements were detailed by Pickens and another longtime steward, Dennis Hinton – everything from Ward teaching students about salmon via dissection, to Cumming obtaining a grant to eradicate invasive vegetation. Those acknowledgments segued into suggestions of ways community members can help the creek now:
Attendees of all ages were invited to write down ideas of what they could do:
Then participants were invited to post their ideas on an easel-borne card. Some of what we saw: “Learn about salmon,” “Give respect to all the fish,” “Introduce someone to the creek,” and more-classic ways to volunteer. Starting tomorrow, in fact, some of that will be happening on the creek, as the annual watch for spawners begins, with volunteers taking shifts keeping an eye out for fish. The way was cleared by a group of volunteers who cleared a logjam at the creek’s mouth – which is on private property – earlier this week. If you are interested in getting involved with Fauntleroy Creek – one of the few salmon streams within the city – you can contact the Fauntleroy Watershed Council.
The five-week-old Bolt Creek Fire isn’t the only one that’s been sending smoke our way. Two other fires have come into view east of Seattle – the photo above was tweeted tonight by Kevin Freitas, who has that view from one of West Seattle’s higher elevations, near Providence Mount St. Vincent (Beacon Hill is in the foreground). Earlier today, Eastside Fire and Rescue noted that the Loch Katrine and Murphy Lake fires had come into view from this side of the Cascades. Right now, West Seattle has better air quality than North Seattle (as shown here), after a day in which the high-temperature at Sea-Tac Airport smashed the old record for this date – 88, previous record 72. The forecast still suggests rain is expected, finally, by Friday.
Thanks to Kimm for the photos. It’s not yet activated, but framework for the California/Findlay “half-signal” has been installed.
It’s been almost four months since SDOT told neighbors they would install the pedestrian-activated “half-signal” at the intersection. Neighbors had been pushing for more safety measures at the intersection even before the May hit-run crash that killed 30-year-old Nicholas Wolf just north of the intersection. In addition to installing the stoplight, SDOT said in June that it would be “implementing a painted curb bulb in the southeast and northwest quadrants to improve sightlines for pedestrians crossing at the intersection, and installing a median island on the south leg of California Ave SW, in close proximity to the intersection to reduce the open feel of California Avenue SW, prevent the use of the center turn lane as a through lane, and potentially reduce vehicle speeds.” The report on the deadly May crash said the 16-year-old driver who hit and killed Wolf told police he was going “50 to 55 mph” at the time. We’ll be following up with SDOT tomorrow to check on the timeline for finishing the intersection work and activating the signal.
Thanks for the ongoing bird photos! We have seven more to share on this football afternoon, starting above with the “real” Seahawk – an Osprey – photographed by Steve Bender. Next, a bird that never seems to look the same in any two photos, a Great Blue Heron, first by Michael Ostrogorsky:
Next in silhouette by Stewart L.
This Hawk visited Eric Taney in North Admiral:
Cindy Roberts saw this Barred Owl at Seola Pond:
A Pileated Woodpecker was on a Lincoln Park tree when Kathryn Smith saw it:
And in a double-check of the files, we found Samantha Burton‘s California Scrub-Jay photo from August:
Remember that it’s still fall migration time for some birds – so the Lights Out program has good suggestions to follow. Meantime, we appreciate bird (and other) photos – westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
Three reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch this afternoon:
STOLEN F-150: Karla sent the report and photo:
Sometime between midnight and 11 am our 1992 blue/white Ford F-150 was stolen off the street in front of our house on Delridge Way SW & SW Kenyon St. We’ve had the vehicle for less than a year. This truck was bought with wedding gift money after we had to postpone our ceremony over a year and a half due to the pandemic, so it’s pretty devastating to my husband and I. If people could be on the lookout for it we’d greatly appreciate it. If spotted please call 911 as well as Derek at 406-249-9073 (yes, it’s 406, not 206). Thank you!!
SPD incident # is 2022-278202.
STOLEN NISSAN XE: This report and photo are from Nathan:
Last night (Saturday, Oct 15th) between 7:48pm and 8:48pm my truck was stolen from the street right outside my house near 12th Ave SW and Kenyon. ’96 Nissan Regular Cab XE in light blue. Back tailgate has the word ‘Loretta’ in large letters. License plate is C28238Y.
If found please call 911. The SPD case number is 2022-278151.
VANDALIZED CHARGER CORD: Aley sent this report and photo:
Someone cut right through the chord of our level 2 electric car charger in our alley. The car was plugged in. Between Dawson and Brandon on 42nd.
No report # yet.
Thanks to the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle for the photo! In their booth on the west side of the Farmers’ Market, Key Club members from Chief Sealth International High School are again selling painted pumpkins as a fundraiser. The market is on until 2 pm; if you miss them this week, they will be back next week.
Family and friends will gather October 29 to celebrate the life of West Niver, who died suddenly last month. They’re sharing this remembrance with his community:
With great sadness we announce the passing of West L. Niver.
Born November 8, 1958 in Albany, New York, died September 6, 2022 in Seattle.
West was first and foremost a man who wanted to help others, and couldn’t stand to not be useful somehow. An avid outdoorsman, he hiked across hundreds of miles of the Northwest and took great joy in the peacefulness of the forest.
He graduated from the University of Oregon in 1982, where he met his wife Cynthia, to whom he was married for 39 years. They lived together in Seattle, where West was a Financial Analyst at Group Health Cooperative/Kaiser Permanente for 30 years, retiring in 2019. West was also a fixture of the local Scouting community, spending many years leading young people into the wilderness, and training others to do the same. Also active in the West Seattle Kiwanis Club, he helped organize numerous community events and held several official positions in the club, including President. West Niver dedicated much of his time to serving others and touched countless lives in many ways, from events with hundreds of participants raising money and awareness for various causes, to passing conversations with people he had just met. His humor was quirky, but witty. He had a lifetime love of animals, and always enjoyed a spookily decorated house for Halloween. He will be sorely missed by all who knew him.
He is survived by his wife Cynthia and their two sons, Benjamin and Samuel (Amanda) Niver, his sister Geri (Larry) Niver Petkus, and his brother Drew (Debi) Niver. West also leaves behind his beloved cat Luke and grandpets Russell and Bodie. Donations can be made on his behalf to the Chief Seattle Council of the Boy Scouts of America or to the West Seattle Kiwanis Club.
His Celebration of Life is planned (corrected date) October 29 at Camp Schoenwald, 16030 Sylvester Rd SW, Burien. Event space opens at 2:00 PM with service beginning at 2:45 PM.
(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries and memorial announcements by request, free of charge. Please email the text, and a photo if available, to westseattleblog@gmail.com)
(Side effect of our warm weather: Late-blooming flowers, like Waikikigirl’s hibiscus)
Here’s what to know today, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
AIR QUALITY ALERT: The regional alert for wildfire smoke continues.
CHURCHES WITH ONLINE SERVICES: We’re continuing to list these – see today’s list here.
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, the market is open with fall produce as well as flowers, cheese, fish, meat, baked goods, condiments, prepared food, and more. Here’s today’s vendor list. California SW between Oregon and Alaska.
DONATION DRIVE: Alki UCC is collecting food and clothing, 11 am-3 pm, 6115 SW Hinds – our calendar listing has specifics.
GLASS-BLOWING DEMO/ART GLASS PUMPKIN PATCH: As part of “Refract – The Seattle Glass Experience,” you can see live glass-blowing noon-4 pm again today at Avalon Glassworks (2914 SW Avalon Way) and visit their art-glass pumpkin patch.
SOUTHWEST ARTIST SHOWCASE: The monthlong display of community-contributed art at Southwest Library continues (9010 35th SW), open noon-5 pm today.
LOG HOUSE MUSEUM CLOSED: The Southwest Seattle Historical Society museum on Alki is closed for the rest of the month for roof work.
MEET WITH YOUR SCHOOL-BOARD REP: This area’s Seattle Public Schools board director Leslie Harris holds a drop-in community meeting 2-4:30 pm at Southwest Library (9010 35th SW).
AT ARTSWEST: The ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor) play “Swimming While Drowning” concludes the third week of its run, 3 pm curtain. Tickets are available online.
MUSIC AT C & P: The trio Citizens of Earth performs at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), 3-5 pm.
DRUMMING TO CALL THE SALMON HOME: The annual tradition along Fauntleroy Creek is at 4 pm today – bring anything you want to drum with, or just bring yourself. All ages welcome. Location is explained in our calendar listing.
NEED FOOD? White Center Community Dinner Church serves a free meal (take-away available) at 5 pm Sundays at the Salvation Army Center in South Delridge (9050 16th SW).
SUNDAY NIGHT JAZZ: Triangular Jazztet at The Alley (4509 California SW), 8 pm and 9 pm sets.
SUNDAY NIGHT KARAOKE: 9 pm to 1:30 am at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW).
Have an event to list for our calendar? Please email westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
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