WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Musical accessories stolen; bicycle thief on camera; bike found

Also in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight, three reader reports:


Sometime between midnight and 4:35 pm today (7/11), my car, a white Subaru Outback, was prowled in front of my home on 39th Avenue SW, near West Seattle Bowl. The thief/thieves got away with two musical instrument cases. One is a Iron Cobra model kick pedal, and the other is a DW model carrying case that was filled with microphones, cables, and various guitar and percussion parts and accessories, small hardware like pliers and screwdrivers, towels.

If anything turns up (I searched the nearby streets and alleys) please contact me, Kelly, at 206-478-3752. Thanks very much!

BICYCLE THIEF ON CANERA: Joe‘s bicycle was stolen from his back yard near 35th/Morgan:

Here’s a photo of the bicycle, in case you find it abandoned somewhere:


We found a bike on our street that looks like it might have been stolen and dumped. Tires are flat and it might be damaged but maybe someone wants it back?

If it might be yours, email us – westseattleblog@gmail.com – and we’ll connect you.

2 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Musical accessories stolen; bicycle thief on camera; bike found"

  • Vanessa July 12, 2022 (9:26 am)

    (What area or what is considered the “West Seattle Bowl”?)

    • WSB July 12, 2022 (9:44 am)

      That’s the bowling alley at 39th/Oregon.

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