TERMINAL 5: Lease votes set for Tuesday

April 1, 2019 4:52 pm
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 |   Port of Seattle | West Seattle news

(Terminal 5 photo from portseattle.org)

Tomorrow (Tuesday, April 2nd), Seattle and Tacoma port commissioners meet as managing members of the Northwest Seaport Alliance, voting on a variety of documents key to the future of West Seattle’s Terminal 5. Among them, a sheaf of leases, from the two-phase lease with SSA Terminals to be the T-5 tenant post-modernization, to an interim lease that will move Matson‘s Hawaii service there, to leases that don’t directly involve T-5 but are part of the overall shuffle. Included in those, the plan for the Port to develop another cruise-ship terminal on the downtown waterfront, as noted in our February coverage. Also to be discussed/considered, the latest on the T-5 modernization project, for which agenda documents say bids are expected to be opened April 10th. Those documents and others the commissioners will consider tomorrow are all now linked from the agenda for the meeting, which starts at 11:30 am Tuesday at the Sea-Tac Airport Conference Center. There’s a public-comment period too.

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