2 Saturday school benefits: Morning movie, evening party

The season of school fundraisers continues, and we have two Saturday events to note:

SATURDAY MORNING MOVIE FOR CO-OP PRESCHOOLS: You can start the day at the Admiral Theater, 9:30 am:

South Seattle College Cooperative Preschools will be hosting a screening of “My Neighbor Totoro” at the Admiral Theater (to whom we are incredibly grateful for hosting the
event!). “My Neighbor Totoro” (directed by Hayao Miyazaki) is a beautiful family-friendly animated film about two young sisters and their adventures with friendly forest spirits in rural Japan.

Tickets will be available at the door for a suggested donation of $7 each or $25 for a family. Children under 1 are free. We are only able to accept cash or check at the door.

All proceeds go to support the Mary E. Phillips Scholarship Fund, making SSC Cooperative preschool affordable to all. SSC Co-op Preschools have locations throughout West Seattle (Alki, North Admiral, Lincoln Park, White Center, and SSC Campus) and we will have information about our preschools available at the event.


The 32nd annual dinner auction on Saturday, March 16, to benefit the Fauntleroy Children’s Center is a three-generation affair for the Nickels family.

Sharon Nickels (left) will be there with husband and former Seattle mayor Greg as he runs the live auction. Their daughter, Carey Nickels, is chairing the auction committee and grandchildren Rowan and Ciaran O’Brien attend the center.

“Moonlight Masquerade” will get under way at 5:30 pm in the Hall @ Fauntleroy. Find details and reserve your seat at fauntleroychildrenscenter.org/annual-auction.

1 Reply to "2 Saturday school benefits: Morning movie, evening party"

  • flimflam March 16, 2019 (7:02 am)

    such a great movie – as are all of Miyazaki’s films.

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