WEEKEND TRAFFIC ALERT UPDATE: New information on NB 99 closure

Thanks to Jennifer for catching that the weekend northbound Highway 99 closure we mentioned yesterday had changed from Friday/Saturday/Sunday nights to “all weekend long.” But there’s now another change beyond the one she had spotted on the WSDOT site. While we were corresponding with spokesperson Laura Newborn about the change, she got word minutes ago that the NB 99closure will *only* extend from the West Seattle Bridge to Atlantic Street. That means the elevated Alaskan Way Viaduct itself, from the stadium zone northward, WILL remain open all weekend.

To recap:

*NB Highway 99 closed Friday night to early Monday, between West Seattle Bridge and Atlantic St.
*No change in NB I-5 closure – Offramp to West Seattle Bridge and Columbian Way will be closed 9 pm Friday-5 am Monday

3 Replies to "WEEKEND TRAFFIC ALERT UPDATE: New information on NB 99 closure"

  • Amy August 21, 2018 (4:31 pm)

    Does this mean the NB on ramp at the stadiums will be open? 

    • rpo August 21, 2018 (11:50 pm)


  • Adam August 22, 2018 (9:08 am)

    99 AND 5 closed…. this seems like a recipe for a real mess.  Could they not have waited a week on one of them? 

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