’15 years of friendship, and still going strong’: Kol HaNeshamah signs another lease to share space with Alki UCC

A partnership between a West Seattle synagogue and church will continue. Kol HaNeshamah has signed a new lease to continue being co-housed with Alki UCC at 6115 SW Hinds. In our photo above, from left, are Alki UCC board chair Rod Peeler, KHN’s president Jake Fawcett and executive director Sheila Abrahams, and Alki UCC business manager Kristin Michael. Their announcement:

Principals of Kol HaNeshamah and Alki UCC signed another lease agreement on August 29, 2018 for Kol HaNeshamah to rent space in the Alki UCC premises at 6115 SW Hinds St. These two organizations, a Congregational United Church of Christ and a Reform Synagogue Community, have been happily co-existing for 15 years. The core beliefs of these organizations are comparable while their missions and religious identities are different. This friendship and co-habitation have resulted in many joint events such as barbecues, luncheons, education, life-cycle celebrations, and meetings.

Said Rod Peeler, Chair of the Alki Board of Directors, after the lease signing: “We are proud of our 15-year relationship with Kol HaNeshamah synagogue. As we are in a transitional phase with our pastor’s retirement, this is a time for discernment of our place and purpose in the Alki community. We believe that providing a house of worship for both our Christian and Jewish communities supports our service to God’s will and we are grateful for our shared relationship and common bond.”

And Jake Fawcett, President of Kol HaNeshamah, commented: “Our relationship with Alki UCC goes far beyond sharing building space. Our shared values brought us together from the very beginning, when Kol HaNeshamah was founded in 2003. Both our congregations care deeply about standing up for justice and serving people in our communities who are most vulnerable. Alki UCC walks that talk. We’re looking back now at 15 years of friendship, and still going strong.”

Kol HaNeshamah holds Shabbat services twice a month and celebrates the Jewish holidays throughout the year. Education classes for students (Hebrew and Religious education) are held regularly September through June; and Adult education is offered throughout the year. KHN welcomes guests to its High Holy Services or at any other time.

Information about KHN can be found at www.khnseattle.org or by calling 206-935-1590. For information about Alki UCC, please contact office@alkiucc.org or call 206-935-2661.

2 Replies to "'15 years of friendship, and still going strong': Kol HaNeshamah signs another lease to share space with Alki UCC"

  • KM August 31, 2018 (5:33 pm)

    I love this model and hope to see more of it!

  • Sue September 5, 2018 (2:28 pm)

    Spiritual communities that can co-exist show the best of how we are stronger together!

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