(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)
7:01 AM: Good morning! No incidents in/from West Seattle reported so far. Weather-wise, it’s even colder this morning – low 20s right now in Seattle, and the colder-than-normal (but dry) weather will continue at least through tomorrow.
ROAD CLOSURE ALERTS: Four closures coming up in the days/nights ahead, as published here last night – two closures of northbound Highway 99, Friday night into Saturday morning and Saturday night into Sunday morning, and then two involving part of the west end of the West Seattle Bridge, Sunday night into Monday morning and Monday night into Tuesday morning. Full details of both sets are here.
8:59 AM: Per scanner, police are responding to a crash reported in the West Seattle HS area (3000 block of California). No one hurt, no traffic-blocking, but the emergency response could change that, so we’re mentioning it.
10 AM: If you’re heading toward the Viaduct downtown, avoid the 1st/Columbia entrance – there is an incident there reported to involve vehicles and a seriously injured pedestrian.