(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)
7 AM: Good morning. The rain continues, and the National Weather Service says the first round of wind is on the way, with a High Wind Warning from 6 pm tonight to 7 am Friday.
If you are heading TOWARD West Seattle right now or soon, be forewarned that a crash has closed the southbound Battery Street Tunnel.
7:40 AM: That crash has cleared. Nothing else reported on nearby routes except general slowness. Meantime, forecasters say that while the wind warning starts at 6 pm in our area, the worst isn’t expected until late tonight. We will be on storm watch through the night and into early Friday. (Another reminder that school’s out tomorrow – long-scheduled day of no classes for Seattle Public Schools.)
7:48 AM: Texter warns of especially slow traffic on Admiral Way getting to the bridge.
7:55 AM: Could be related to that:
Mass bus lane violations at bottom of SW Avalon! Bus has to go around! Random enforcement plz @SeattlePD!
cc @westseattleblog @kcmetrobus
— Kevin Freitas (@kevinfreitas) October 13, 2016
8:11 AM: Texter (reach us at 206-293-6302 any time) says the light on Cloverdale at Highway 509 is out, and that’s causing some backup on the 1st-to-Olson-to-Roxbury hill.
8:28 AM: Iggy reports in comments that the Route 22 bus has lost a tire, south of Morgan Junction, and is awaiting Metro maintenance. Until and unless a replacement has been brought in, could mean delays for people waiting to ride elsewhere on the route.