Reader reports: Alley-vandalism alert; greenbelt off-roading

Two reader reports to share:

ALLEY VANDALISM ALERT: A neighbor near this alley between the 3200 block of California SW and of 44th SW wanted to warn people about that knocked-over-by-vandals portable toilet, the contents of which subsequently spilled onto the alley. It’s a busy alley, the neighbor says, used by residents and their pets, but no cleanup yet.

ILLEGAL OFF-ROADING: From a Riverview resident, who’s asking neighbors to be watchful:

This afternoon, I was out walking when at least four young kids on dirt bikes rode down 12th Ave and into Riverview Playfield. As I walked, I noticed they were going up and down to the Pee-Wee fields. There were families in the park at the time. These are kids that are too young to have drivers licenses, on vehicles that are not licensed for street use, riding not only on the street but into parks and greenbelt where they are not allowed. One was carrying a shovel.

On the walk back, I saw two ride through the pee-wee fields and into the greenbelt, NE of 12th & Holly. I could also hear a shovel being used. I called 911 and reported it. They seemed responsive, but I don’t know if the kids will be there by the time the police get there. Also, they can easily scatter, so likely will get away. The thing to do would be to have a few police officers up in the Riverview Playfield parking lot waiting and then have an officer approach from the utility road off of West Marginal Way. The kids would ride back toward the parking lot and home.

I would like to encourage my neighbors and anyone using the park to call 911 if they see anyone going on dirt bikes into the greenbelt. You aren’t even supposed to be in the greenbelt on a bicycle, let alone a dirt bike. They were riding on crushed rock trails that Parks is working on, likely causing damage to them. Nature Consortium has had plantings destroyed by these kids on their bikes.

The forest in that area is part of the West Duwamish Greenbelt, which the NC works year-round to restore.

15 Replies to "Reader reports: Alley-vandalism alert; greenbelt off-roading"

  • flimflam September 7, 2015 (5:35 pm)

    wow – lots of contenders for “idiot vandal of the year” in the last few days.

  • lmf September 7, 2015 (7:06 pm)

    A neighbor just told me that a honey bucket was also tipped over behind a house that’s across the street from Madison Middle School. I’m pretty sure this was also in the last night or two, so it’s possible these incidents are linked to the school vandalism.

  • respectourgreenspace September 7, 2015 (7:47 pm)

    Thank you for taking the time to report natural greenspace destruction and disrespect. Sad that these kids do not value what is so important to all of us. These are the kids who benefit from outdoor education but who are often left out of such “extras”.

  • NWmama September 7, 2015 (8:52 pm)

    Yuck. I hope that portapottyy got picked up quickly. The owners of it should respond quickly otherwise subject ton some public health violations. Aside from just being gross.

  • Seaview September 7, 2015 (10:00 pm)

    I think another good answer to the greenbelt issue would be to have an ORV park in the Seattle city limits. Respecting the rules is important, but also providing opportunity for everyone to enjoy their respective sports with relative ease and low(ish) cost would also be nice.

  • datamuse September 8, 2015 (8:30 am)

    Offroading and mountain biking in the greenbelt has been an issue for a long time. I remember seeing/hearing signs of it when I was first volunteering with Nature Consortium, and that was something like ten years ago. Not sure what’s to be done about it aside from more education and enforcement.
    An ORV park would also be a good idea, but where? Who maintains it and how is that funded?

  • Becky September 8, 2015 (8:36 am)

    My neighbors garage was tagged with that same smiley face.That i saw on one of the schools. ( Via Kiro news) We live W. of the Alaska Junction.

  • smokeycretin9 September 8, 2015 (10:13 am)

    Hmmmm, parents that let their kids ride motocross motorcycles in the city, on the streets and in the greenbelt are the problem.

  • John September 8, 2015 (10:51 am)

    @ Smokeycretin9,

    I couldn’t agree more. Where are the parents allowing their children to ride dirt bikes in the City. What kind of a parent allows such reckless behavior? Bad example………….

  • Smokeycretin9 September 8, 2015 (3:27 pm)

    I’m going to publicly call these parents out to explain why they feel that they have more rights to the greenbelt than any of the other neighbors.

    Well folks…. explain your selfishness.

  • Riverview Neighbor September 8, 2015 (4:40 pm)

    I agree that it is on the parents. Beyond the damage to plants, as well as the trails being built, there is the danger to the kids on the bikes. Neither 12th nor Myrtle are arterials, but they might as well be when there are sports events at the park. The parents could possibly be charged with child endangerment.

    I placed the call at 3:06pm. The time on the report was almost two hours later. I don’t think this should discourage people from calling, but is an indication that more need to. The kids were likely gone by then.

    9/7/2015 4:56:00 PM
    CAD Event Number: 15000313836
    12 AV SW / SW HOLLY ST

  • jane doe September 11, 2015 (10:34 am)

    is it necessary to complain about it over the internet? let kids be kids. no one goes into that trail anyways so why does it matter? chill.

    • WSB September 11, 2015 (10:45 am)

      Breaking the law and damaging public greenspace is “let(ting) kids be kids”?

  • Riverview Neighbor September 11, 2015 (2:07 pm)

    @Jane – I gave reasons why it matters. They are damaging trails and plantings. They are being allowed to endanger themselves in traffic.

    Yes, people do take that trail. It is currently being upgraded. And, lastly… well, what WSB said.

  • Riverview Neighbor September 11, 2015 (3:13 pm)

    For people that don’t feel comfortable calling 911 on the kids, you can call the community police team. The officer for our area is Officer Kiehn (733-9593). I have good luck with these officers handling the situation by talking with those involved, rather than writing a ticket or making an arrest.

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