You can help! Girls on the Run expanding to Highland Park Elementary

Even as the school year ends today, planning is under way for the next one starting in September – and that’s what this call for volunteers is all about: Girls on the Run is on its way to Highland Park Elementary for 2014-2015.

HPE is starting Girls on the Run at our school starting in the fall. Girls on the Run is an after-school program that uses the power of running to give girls the tools to celebrate their bodies, honor their voices, recognize their gifts, and activate their power!

The program is open to 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade girls. Both girls from HPE and from the surrounding community who do not have GOTR at their home school are encouraged to join. We are looking for volunteers to coach our girls. The commitment would be one or two times a week Starting September 29th and running through December 8th. Minimum age is 16. If interested please contact Holly Briscoe, the site liaison for HPE.

3 Replies to "You can help! Girls on the Run expanding to Highland Park Elementary"

  • trickycoolj June 19, 2014 (3:44 pm)

    Sounds like a cool program! I have struggled through a Couch to 5K running series trying to learn to run because PE class always just dumped us on the track and told us to run a mile or fail when in reality they should have taught us how to build up to running through intervals. So envious of the information and tools kids/teens have to teach them proper exercise technique in school to set them up for life! Way to go!

  • westseattledood June 19, 2014 (5:10 pm)

    Second that “Way to Go!”

    Took a peek at the volunteer jobs and there are plenty – but the girls will need Running Buddies for the practice 5k and the real 5k at the end of the 10 weeks. I *know* Delridge is loaded with women runners….this is awesome.

    Woo Hoo for Girls on the Run!

  • KW June 20, 2014 (8:59 am)

    Girls on the Run is a wonderful program! I have participated in the past as both a coach and running buddy (unfortunately life got in the way of me repeating this involvement lately), and the lessons are great at teaching the girls healthy habits, both mentally and physically. Activities are geared towards building self-esteem, positive talking, supporting your peers, and setting goals regardless of current physical ability!

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