(Today’s sunrise; photo by Don Brubeck)
What a beautiful start to the day! Lots going on – here’s just part of it:
ROXHILL CASTLE: Time to build a playground! The rain has stopped in time for Roxhill Castle volunteers to get going at Roxhill Park. See the latest message for volunteers, here. They’re planning to work till 8 pm tonight – and then continuing tomorrow; you can show up and join in, too!
BALLOT-DROPOFF VAN: Haven’t sent in your ballot yet? Today is the first of five days with the King County Elections ballot-dropoff van staked out at West Seattle Stadium. Schedule’s in our calendar listing.
WINE TASTING #1: The Northwest Wine Academy at South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor) invites you to its tasting room 1-4 pm today (details here).
‘FIRST FRIDAY’ – HELP THE HELPLINE: The Rotary Club of West Seattle invites you to come hang out at The Cask in The Admiral District 5-7 pm and bring gently used coats, gloves, scarves to donate to the West Seattle Helpline – details here.
CORNER BAR AT HIGHLAND PARK IMPROVEMENT CLUB: It’s the hottest ticket in town … first Friday of the month, 6 pm, HPIC turns into The Corner Bar. Dia de los Muertos is this month’s theme. 12th/Holden; be there!
BUTCHER-SHOP BASH, TO HELP WHITE CENTER FOOD BANK: ‘Meat the Live Butcher’ opens soon in South Delridge, and will cater a pre-grand-opening party tonight at the White Center Eagles’ HQ, as a benefit for White Center Food Bank. 6 pm; details here.
WINE TASTING #2: Bin 41 in The Junction, 6-7:30 pm, “Fall Favorites with Joelle.”
SIP AND SEW: A creative way to spend Friday night – with this class (21+ only) at West Seattle Fabric Company‘s new Stitch and Sew Studio north of Morgan Junction, 6 pm (more info here).
‘SWEET, SWEET MUSIC’: Tunes from stage and screen, tonight at Fauntleroy Church, 7:30 pm. Get the details here.
‘LEND ME A TENOR’ AT WSHS: Second show for the West Seattle High School Drama production of “Lend Me a Tenor,” 7:30 pm. Ticket information and more, here.
REMINDER ABOUT TOMORROW NIGHT’S TIME CHANGE: Saturday night/Sunday morning is “fall back” time – one hour. So when it’s 2 am Sunday, it’ll be 1 am Sunday.
But before then … more for today/tonight, on our calendar!
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