City bike racks for Delridge? Tell SDOT where!

Just shared by Ed Pottharst from the Department of Neighborhoods: An announcement from the city that SDOT wants to put new bike racks in south-of-downtown neighborhoods “to help encourage cycling as a form of transportation to our business districts. We would like your help with finding places to install them where they will be most useful …” and the local neighborhoods where they’re seeking ideas are Delridge and South Park. This is NOT for private property, but for “public right-of-way” (sidewalks, for example), and the installation would likely happen late this year or early next year. Got an idea? Contact Doug Cox at SDOT, 206-684-8264 or

4 Replies to "City bike racks for Delridge? Tell SDOT where!"

  • sam-c June 9, 2012 (8:15 am)

    “transportation to business districts” ? don’t put the cart before the horse. does Delridge have business districts? there’s the brandon “node” but otherwise…

  • Achtung June 9, 2012 (9:48 am)

    Just because a bike rack is in delridge doesn’t make the cyclist limited to delridge. It just gives them a convenient place to park when they are there. In this case “putting the cart before the horse” would be non cyclists making assumptions when they don’t have an understanding of the situation.

  • pilsner June 9, 2012 (10:09 am)

    Waste of money… anyone can lock a bike to a telephone pole, tree, news paper stand, drain pipe, or my personal favorite, a gas meter!

  • Krystal June 9, 2012 (3:08 pm)

    Waste of money! I’m not going to go lock up my bike there when would it would be just as safe locked to anything else. I’m probably not going to bike there because I don’t feel safe biking in Seattle, not because the SDOT didn’t waste money on new shiny bike racks.

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