day : 10/05/2012 12 results

West Seattle wildlife: Fauntleroy Creek salmon releases’ midpoint

Students from Fauntleroy’s Little Pilgrim School are the latest to release salmon fry into Fauntleroy Creek, where volunteer Dennis Hinton says about 1,000 of the little coho have been released since May 1st (we covered the season’s first student release that day, with Westside School (WSB sponsor) visiting – here’s the story). Dennis reports that about 260 students have been to the creek for releases so far, and there will be more through the end of the month:

The program is coordinated by volunteer creek stewards. Most of these fry have been raised in the classrooms since January. Creek stewards have also been monitoring the number of coho smolt. These are fish the kids released in the creek last May, have survived for about a year, and are now headed downstream to the saltwater. As of today
115 smolt had been counted. The smolt count will also wind up May 30.

Here’s a look at some of those smolt:

After a year in the creek, Dennis says, they are generally three to five inches long. In the fall, volunteers watch again for returning fish; you can find out more about Fauntleroy Creek here.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen car; multiple car prowls

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports this evening:

Sometime last night after 5 pm and before 6 am today, my mom’s car was stolen. It’s a 1989 Toyota Camry black 4 door Front passenger hub cap missing. Parked (legally) on the street in the 6300 block of 42nd Ave SW. Impound has been checked and police report made. She just wants it back. Unemployed and just enough insurance to not get a ticket!

From Walt:

I would like to pass on some car prowls that happened on our block. 2 vehicles were broken into in the block of 42nd & 102nd, Arbor Heights neighborhood. Apparently early morning 5-9-12.

P.S. The West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meets next Tuesday (May 15th) at the Southwest Precinct (Delridge/Webster), 7 pm, with a victims’-rights advocate as special guest.

Boatloads of bargains at West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

OK, we can’t guarantee it’s a bargain – perhaps in the garage-sale tradition, they’ll negotiate – but it IS a boat and it’s one of the most unusual items listed for sale in the short “ads” that accompany the map for this Saturday’s 245+-sale West Seattle Community Garage Sale DayNicholas, sale #194 at 4036 SW Henderson in Fauntleroy, e-mailed the photo, writing, ‘Among the interesting items left behind by the former owners of our house was this model of a Chris Craft(?) boat. It’s all hand-crafted from wood and probably dates from the 1950s or 1960s.” Other sellers have been posting photos of slightly less unusual items on the WSCGSD Facebook page; check the page, check the maps (find the clickable/zoomable and printable versions both here), and if you’re not among the sellers, get ready for a shop-a-thon all over the peninsula 9 am-3 pm Saturday. Keep tabs on that page and/or the official WSCGSD website ( tomorrow and Saturday, for map pages, special announcements, you just never know. The weather still looks GREAT!

CityClub announces award for West Seattleite Anne Levinson

Congratulations to West Seattle resident, city adviser, retired judge, former deputy mayor (among many other achievements) Anne Levinson, just announced as the first recipient of the Nancy Nordhoff Civic Leadership Award. CityClub will present the award at its 30th anniversary gala next month; the award’s namesake is a co-founder of CityClub, whose executive director Diane Douglas says in the news release announcing the award, “CityClub is pleased to recognize Anne Levinson with this first award. Anne works tirelessly for justice and equity. She is wise and generous. She leads by example and inspires others. She shares so many qualities exemplified by Nancy Nordhoff.” You can read the full announcement on CityClub’s site.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Man stabbed, suspect arrested

May 10, 2012 2:03 pm
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2:03 PM: One man is in the hospital and one person in custody after a stabbing at a home in the 7500 block of 21st SW. Seattle Police say the 911 call came from a woman saying her 18 and 20-year-old sons were arguing – it somehow got out of hand and a third person, a 29-year-old man, ended up with a stab wound to his “upper back area.” One person was arrested; seven people were in the house at the time of the incident, we are told, and police are still sorting it all out.

ADDED 3:18 PM: Seattle Fire spokesperson Kyle Moore says the victim was in serious condition when taken to the hospital.

Photos: President Obama in Seattle – well, his 747, anyway

Thanks to David DeSiga for that view of Air Force One touching down at Boeing Field this past hour (see more of his photos on the WSB Facebook page). Half an hour ago, President Obama’s motorcade headed eastward on 520 for his first of two major fundraising stops, a private event. WSDOT caught this screengrab of the motorcade on the otherwise-empty northbound I-5 deck:

Later in the afternoon, the president heads to downtown Seattle for a fundraising event at the Paramount. Remember that there are some downtown bus and street effects as a result. He’s scheduled to leave Boeing Field in the 4 pm hour, off to Southern California. If there are any additional advisories or unexpected problems, we’ll update this story.

10:30 PM: All went smoothly, by the accounts we’ve seen; he left shortly after 4 pm. We have a few more photos to add, first from Doug B:

You can see more of Doug’s work via Flickr. Then, as Air Force One soared over West Seattle, Mike Russell caught this view:

And back at Boeing Field, Leann photographed this vehicle:

Our partners at the Seattle Times have a wrapup of what the president said and did today, while NOT at the airport.

Election 2012: Initiative 103 ‘meetup’ in West Seattle

Much of the time, you don’t find out much about an initiative till signature gatherers show up on corners and outside businesses, asking you to take a look and consider signing. The group behind proposed Seattle Initiative 103 – meant as a counter to the so-called “corporate personhood” ruling – is organizing meetups in neighborhoods around the city, and sent word of one set for May 21st in West Seattle – read on:Read More

The bag is in the mail: ‘Stamp Out Hunger’ reminder

One more reminder, since our letter carrier just delivered our special blue bag for “Stamp Out Hunger” on Saturday, and we’ve got it filled up and ready to go (at right, it’s posed in the not-so-high-tech WSB HQ kitchen-counter equipment-charging center) … Besides being West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (maps here!), Saturday is also the National Association of Letter Carriers‘ huge one-day-only nationwide food drive, and all you have to do is load up the blue bag (OR a regular grocery bag if you don’t get the special one) and, this Saturday morning, leave it by your mailbox, or your door if that’s where you get mail delivered. This is the 20th year for Stamp Out Hunger – read more about it here, and make this really simple good deed part of what promises to be a spectacular Saturday (May 12th).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Arrest in John’s Corner Deli robbery

(WSB photo from April 22nd)
It was high noon on a sunny Sunday last month when a man walked into John’s Corner Deli at 35th/Webster, robbed the store, and got away. Now, two and a half weeks later, there’s news of an arrest – from SPD Blotter:

… Detectives received information from Yakima possibly identifying the suspect. The suspect was already in the Yakima County Jail on a different matter. A robbery detective showed the victim a photo lineup and the suspect was positively identified. The detective travelled to Yakima and took custody of the 39 year old suspect. He was brought back to Seattle where he was interviewed and then booked into the King County Jail for Investigation of Robbery. The Robbery Unit will continue to investigate this case.

Read the full SPD Blotter report here.

Video: 70 months for final defendant in Steve Bushaw murder

(WSB video of entire hearing, added 10:57 am)
ORIGINAL 8:49 AM REPORT: We are in the courtroom of King County Superior Court Judge Joan DuBuque, where Brandon Chaney has been brought in, in jailhouse orange-red, to be sentenced. He is the last of four defendants to be sentenced in the February 2009 murder of lifelong West Seattleite Steve Bushaw (right). Chaney was the getaway driver the night two men shot and killed Mr. Bushaw in The Junction on Super Bowl Sunday night in 2009, in retribution for another crime in which it was “mistakenly believed,” as prosecutors put it, “that (the victim) was involved.” As first reported here one week ago, Chaney, whose case ended in a mistrial last summer, pleaded guilty to manslaughter and “felony rendering of criminal assistance.” and We will publish updates as this unfolds.

8:50 AM UPDATE: Prosecutor Jeff Baird is recapping the longrunning case, briefly, noting that the other defendants were sent to prison for murder in this “senseless and tragic,” as he describes it, case. Members of Mr. Bushaw’s family are here, and his mother will address the court, Baird says. Prosecutors are recommending the high end of the ranges for the two charges – 34 months and 14 months, to be served concurrently, plus a 36-month penalty because a gun was involved, 70 months total. Chaney would get credit for time served; arrests were made in late 2009, 10 months after the murder.

8:55 AM UPDATE: “My son was just paving his way in the world – his whole life was ahead of him,” Meg Bushaw has begun her remarks to the court, saying her life “was forever changed by this tragedy,” as has been that of her family. “Let justice be served… Only Brandon really knows how involved he was with this, and I hope he lives with this the rest of their life. I hope he knows who did the home invasion, because everyone in this courtroom knows it wasn’t our son. May he know the depth of our sorrow for the rest of his life. I hope he learns what is right and wrong … Finally today my family and I will have closure to this nightmare.”

8:57 AM UPDATE: The lead detective in the case, James Cooper, is now speaking. “We know what led to the death of Steve Bushaw,” he said, going on to say that Chaney was solely responsible for choices he made in this case, and saying that he wants him to at least get the high end. “I speak for the ones who can’t… I speak today for Steve Bushaw.” Cooper thinks Chaney should be sentenced to 120 months – 10 years – far beyond the high end of the “range.” He was followed by Chaney’s current lawyer, not the same one who represented him during the trial last year. He said neither Chaney nor any of the other three “had ‘killer’ stamped all over them,” and that in everything he read of the case’s background, it simply made no sense that this happened. Chaney spoke briefly, after his lawyer read an excerpt from a letter of apology that he wrote.

9:01 AM UPDATE: Judge DuBuque is speaking now, about the “lives shattered … a tragedy of unmeasurable proportions, the effect that this has had on the community.” She is sentencing him to the 34 months recommended for manslaughter, the 14 months recommended for criminal assistance, and the 36-month firearm enhancement, so with the first two served concurrently, that is the 70-month sentence requested by prosecutors, followed by 18 months of community custody (probation).

9:05 AM UPDATE: And after just a bit more than 15 minutes, the hearing is over, and deputies have put Chaney back in handcuffs and led him out of the courtroom. He had family members here, the judge was told, but none spoke. The other three defendants were all sentenced last year – Bryce Huber, who planned the shooting, was tried with Chaney, and found guilty of first-degree murder, sentenced to 32 years; triggermen John Sylve and Danny O’Neal, who both pleaded guilty to second-degree murder without going to trial, were sentenced to 20 and 15 years respectively. We recorded today’s hearing on video and will add it to this story after uploading it back at headquarters.

West Seattle (and beyond) Thursday: Art Walk night, presidential-visit day

Good morning and welcome to a big day/big night!

PRESIDENTIAL VISIT: Though President Obama is not scheduled to visit West Seattle, he won’t be far, so we’re publishing the reminders here – Air Force One is expected at Boeing Field before noon, leaving sometime after 4 pm, and the president’s fundraising stops inbetween include an event at the Paramount downtown, which means closures at a Metro station and on part of Pine Street, as detailed here.

RED DAY AT RIVER CITY: West Seattle’s Keller Williams Realty has its annual “RED Day” volunteer event today, and this time they’ll be working at River City Skate Park in South Park, 735 S. Cloverdale, and all are invited to join in, 9 am-4 pm.

WEST SEATTLE ART WALK: Click the image for your full-size walking map for where to go tonight, 6-9 pm, all over the peninsula, FREE! You’ll not only see art on display, at many venues you’ll meet the artists, and/or enjoy refreshments. Art Walk organizers have updated the official WSAW website with highlighted venues/exhibitions. The WSB West Seattle Events Calendar has a few highlights too – including the latest installment of artist RobRoy Chalmers‘ “Sporozoan” at Wallflower Custom Framing (WSB sponsor) on the ground floor of Mural, on 42nd SW across from Jefferson Square. Also, Sheila Lengle‘s winning entry from the West Seattle Garden Tour poster-art contest will be on display, along with runner-up works, at Windermere in The Junction.

K-5 STEM AT BOREN DESIGN TEAM: Here’s the draft agenda for their meeting at 6:15 pm tonight at Madison Middle School.

MURRAY CSO PROJECT DESIGN ADVISORY GROUP: The community advisory group reviewing the sewer-overflow-control project across from Lowman Beach Park meets tonight, 6:30 pm, at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW) – info and agenda links here.

YOUNG PLAYWRIGHTS: Twelfth Night Productions will celebrate them at Kenyon Hall tonight, 7 pm.

‘BYE BYE BIRDIE’ PREMIERE AT WSHS: Tonight’s the first night of the West Seattle High School spring musical, 7:30 pm in the school theater. Ticket info and more, on the Westside Drama website.

FINAL WEEK FOR ‘EXIT, PURSUED BY A BEAR’: The latest production at ArtsWest is down to its last few performances, including tonight at 7:30 pm.

High-school sports: Softball, soccer, baseball updates

High-school spring sports are now into postseason play – and here’s some of what’s happened so far (thanks to our partners at the Seattle Times for some of the scores):

(Photos by WSB’s Patrick Sand)
SOFTBALL: Chief Sealth and West Seattle both played on Wednesday in the Metro League tournament. Sealth won its game against Seattle Prep, 11-4 (photo above), while WSHS lost to Holy Names, 8-7. Both teams play again today – swapping opponents, essentially; their 3:30 pm games are Sealth vs. Holy Names and WSHS vs. Prep.

Meantime, at Interbay:

SOCCER: A hard-fought game on Wednesday between Chief Sealth’s standout team and Bainbridge Island, which just two weeks earlier had been the first team to beat the Seahawks all season.

It took extra time, but Bainbridge defeated Sealth again – this time 1-0. Sealth is scheduled for a game today against Bishop Blanchet.

BASEBALL: There’s a doubleheader at Steve Cox Memorial Park in White Center today – at 4 pm West Seattle vs. Nathan Hale, followed by Chief Sealth vs Ingraham at 7 pm. Meantime, Seattle Lutheran is scheduled to play Concrete this Saturday, after a big win on Tuesday:

The Saints shut out La Conner in that game, 10-0.