West Seattle weekend scene: Another young entrepreneur

We don’t know if she’s still there, but the photo and report are from Jeffrey. (Thanks!)

Further to your feature on the wee egg sellers last week, thought I might forward a photo of this kiddo selling her jewelry creations at the Junction Plaza Park a half hour ago. Said her name is Keaton. She seems to be attracting business spilling over from the mobile food truck fest. These West Seattle kids sure have an entrepreneurial spirit!

3 Replies to "West Seattle weekend scene: Another young entrepreneur"

  • Jennifer October 2, 2011 (7:59 pm)

    I think my daughter and I were her first customers. Darling! Nice design sense and quite a value!

  • Heath October 3, 2011 (12:17 pm)

    It’s great to see our youth find creative ways to earn money and develop work skills in a time when work is scarce and many jobs that traditionally employed young people are now employing adults who need them or are disappearing altogether (newspaper routes, grocery baggers, etc). Kudos to this young lady!

  • Keaton October 4, 2011 (8:32 am)

    My name is Keaton and that was me selling my jewelry in the park on Saturday. My friend Mckenzie and I started a business called K & M in 2009. We make doll clothing, and jewelry (of course). We are both in the 4th grade.

    I think I did well Saturday (McKenzie was out of town on Saturday). I sold 16 pairs of earrings, and one lady even gave me a dollar just because she liked what I was doing. We make all of our jewelry by hand and sell the earrings for $3 and $4 per pair. We are expanding into bracelets, but I did not have enough made for me to sell on Saturday. Thank you for supporting our business.

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