West Seattle Monday: Pizzeria 22 opens; motel open house; DESC

(Photo courtesy Brad Lovejoy – he believes it’s a bumblebee atop a sea holly bloom – click photo for larger view)
One week till the 4th of July! The holiday has its own WSB page now. That aside, from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar for today/tonight:

LA LECHE LEAGUE OF WEST SEATTLE: LLL’s monthly meeting at 10:30 am, Westside Unitarian Universalist Church (7141 California SW). All breastfeeding mothers, and mothers-to-be interested in breastfeeding, are welcome, as are babies. We also welcome mom’s partner or support person to join her at the meeting. Park in the parking lot and follow the signs upstairs. Lost? Call 206 353 9334.

PIZZERIA 22 OPENING NIGHT: The wood-fired pizzeria officially opens for business at 4 pm, SW College east of California. Here’s our report from last Friday’s preview party. (P.S. Pizzeria 22 is all ages.)

MOTEL OPEN HOUSE: We’ve been reporting on the renovation plan since it was first announced last December. Now you can see the made-over 36th/Alaska motel, The Grove/West Seattle Inn, for yourself, during an open house 4-7 pm today. Treats by Husky Deli and Pagliacci Pizza. Here’s our sneak-peek story from last week.

DELRIDGE PROJECT MEETING: Information meeting about the DESC proposal for permanently housing 75 homeless people in a new Delridge apartment complex, 6 pm, Delridge Library. Here’s a preview from last night including a link to our original in-depth story 2 weeks ago.

FAMILY STORY TIME: At High Point Library (35th/Raymond) – songs, rhymes, games, stories with the children’s librarian.

KARAOKE: Sing it with Kelli at Skylark Café and Club (WSB sponsor), 9 pm.

6 Replies to "West Seattle Monday: Pizzeria 22 opens; motel open house; DESC"

  • BL Photo June 27, 2011 (7:41 am)

    The photo description I sent in was: Bombus Mixtus Bumble Bee on Sea Thistle.
    Thanks for posting!

    • WSB June 27, 2011 (9:44 am)

      We grow this plant and it’s commonly known as “sea holly” … every nursery I’ve ever seen it in, too. So that’s why I used that name instead – TR

  • BL Photo June 27, 2011 (10:10 am)

    Good to know! We only have one sea holly in our yard, but I would like to add more. This really stands out and it seems to thrive in our NW climate. Thanks TR

  • jwws June 27, 2011 (11:23 am)

    FWIW Sea Holly = Eryngium, Globe Thistle = Echinops and people often confuse them

    • WSB June 27, 2011 (11:42 am)

      Thanks, jwws. We have both :) lovely perennials that I planted years ago, which return despite my general garden neglect!!! – so I know them on sight. Sea holly is so fascinating, with the lower leaves that vaguely resemble ivy, and then the “crowns” around the blue-purple blooms. Brad’s bee photo is just wonderful – we’re enjoying those fuzzy little visitors this week, particularly in the full-bloom (late!) apple-blossom escallonia out front … TR

  • Diane June 27, 2011 (2:21 pm)

    I had sneak peek into the new motel rooms on Saturday with very kind host Joey; for a local motel, this place is gorgeous

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