day : 26/04/2011 12 results

West Seattle Crime Watch: Highland Park arrest; Lund update

Two West Seattle Crime Watch updates tonight:

HIGHLAND PARK ARREST TONIGHT: Via Twitter and e-mail, we received several reports of police, guns drawn, at a home in Highland Park a few hours ago, in the 10th/Thistle vicinity (map). Southwest Precinct Lt. Alan Williams explains that officers surrounded the house in hopes of carrying out an arrest warrant – and they were successful. Aside from the alarming-to-neighbors sight, Lt. Williams says the arrest was made “without incident” and the suspect is in jail.

JOEL LUND UPDATE: We’ve been following this 28-year-old suspect’s case, particularly since a judge allowed him out of jail and into the Community Center for Alternative Programs – requiring daily check-ins and classes, among other things – after his arrest in connection with a catalytic-converter theft involving an elderly victim south of The Junction. He subsequently was arrested last Thursday night and charged with assault. His bail was upped to $20,000, but tonight it is double that, now that a judge has canceled his alternative-program participation in connection with the previous charge. As court documents note, one of the conditions of participating in the alternative program was “You shall commit no (new) crimes.”

West Seattle door-to-door alerts, plus a scam warning

As the weather warms up, you’re likely to get more activity on your doorstep. First – be aware that commercial solicitors are required to have licenses/IDs, and you don’t have to be shy about asking to see them, if you choose to answer the door. Second, if you put up a “No Solicitors” sign, solicitors who ignore it are breaking the law. (City rules on “residential sales” are here.) 2 door-to-door reports from the WSB inbox, ahead, plus a phone-scam alert, received via e-mail:Read More

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: Signups end tomorrow

April 26, 2011 9:39 pm
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One day left to sign up for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – 26 hours, to be precise – and the sellers who already have registered have set a record! The unofficial number at this hour is 210. Since more are likely to come in, that means this is going to be one amazing buying-and-selling-and-mingling spree, 9 am-3 pm on Saturday, May 14th.

Registration closes at 11:59 pm tomorrow (Wednesday) night, which gives us the lead time to get going on the maps (online-only Google version, and “fixed” printable version) so they will be available no later than one week before sale day. The links will be here, on the Garage Sale Day website and WSCGSD Facebook page, and on the semi-new – have YOU “liked” it yet? – WSB FB page. And we encourage you to invite all your non-West Seattle friends and relatives to come on over, wander the peninsula, shop like mad, enjoy coffee/lunch somewhere here too, then happily head back to their own neighborhoods with fond memories of a great day.

If you’ve been procrastinating and are ready to sign up YOUR sale – from a table in front of your house, to your entire block/business/school – find the link on this page. (Be sure you receive TWO confirmations – one from us, one from PayPal after you’ve paid the registration fee. If you have any problems, call us at 206-293-6302. And if you’ve signed up but you do NOT have the PayPal confirmation, please e-mail, to make sure your sale gets on the list!)

Whether you’re planning to sell or shop, thanks in advance for being part of the 7th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (the fourth year WSB has presented/coordinated it)!

West Seattle Water Taxi cancels Wednesday morning runs

Just in from King County’s Marine Division:

All West Seattle Water Taxi trips for Wednesday, April 27 are cancelled through at least the morning so that warranty repairs can be made to a small defective weld in the vessel hull. Tomorrow’s cancellation will allow the King County Marine Division to take advantage of available dry dock space.

While the Marine Division hopes repairs can be made in time to resume service for the Wednesday afternoon commute, passengers are advised to monitor e-mail/text service alerts, visit the Water Taxi website at, or call 206-684-1551.

West Seattle restaurants: Pizzeria 22 progress report

Story and photos by Stephanie Chacharon
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

We swung by the future site of Pizzeria 22 today to catch up with Cary Kemp — owner/operator of West Seattle’s one and only, soon-to-open wood-fired pizza joint.

We broke the news about the future pizzeria in December, when Cary signed the lease on the location at 4213 SW College, then published an update in January. Since a few months have passed, it was time to check back to get a feel for the space and an update on opening plans.

Cary, a laid-back entrepreneur who’s passionate about all things Italian, walked us through the site, sidestepping busy electricians and building materials. He pointed out the vaulted ceilings — a formerly enclosed treasure he discovered while previewing the space — restored vintage windows (shown above – Cary says they’re 103 years old and believes they’ll create a dark, comfortable vibe), the planned home of an oversized painting of Italy’s Mount Vesuvius, and the work-in-progress bar that spans that length of the restaurant.

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Finding your way through Fauntleroy: Kiosk now in place

Another of West Seattle’s new wayfinding kiosks – each sporting the West Seattle Trails walking map as well as art – is in place, this time in Fauntleroy. You’ll find it on the northwest corner of 45th/Wildwood in the Endolyne business district, just a few blocks uphill/southeast from the Fauntleroy ferry dock. Here’s the other side:

Earlier this month, the first kiosk was installed, at Junction Plaza Park (Alaska/42nd), with artists Paul Sorey and Mike Raney on hand.

Westwood Village Street Fair planned for May 21st

(WSB photo from May 2010 Westwood Village Street Fair)
Outdoor-festival season in West Seattle is less than 3 weeks away! Even though Westwood Village is changing owners (the deal was made public a month ago), the Street Fair is still on. As announced online, the Westwood Village Street Fair is planned for 11 am-7 pm Saturday, May 21st, and promising “dog show, fashion show, live music, magician, and those fun inflatable rides.” Free. More details to come – but in past years, it’s been centered in the parking lot between Bed Bath Beyond and Pier 1 Imports.

City Council committee recommends that Conner Homes’ Junction project get its ‘alley vacation’

(Added 12:20 pm: Seattle Channel video of today’s meeting; Conner item begins 7 minutes in)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

After more than three years and 10 public meetings, the 200-apartment Conner Homes mixed-use project in the heart of The Junction has cleared one of its last remaining hurdles: After an hour and a half, the City Council’s Transportation Committee – represented by its chair, West Seattle-residing Councilmember Tom Rasmussen – has just decided to recommend approval of the “alley vacation” required for the project to go forward.

But not before a formidable voice of concern spoke out – Dave Montoure of Junction restaurant/bar West 5 (who also chairs the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce board but was not speaking on its behalf), one of four people to speak during the public-comment portion of the hearing.

(Image from Seattle Channel feed of today’s hearing)
Montoure (above) said he wasn’t there to oppose the alley vacation, which only involves an underground area, or to send the project back into Design Review, but was there to strongly oppose two aspects of the project that had been longstanding points of concern- its residential lobby on California SW (“Retail frontage off California Avenue is the best retail frontage in West Seattle,” Montoure argued) and its garage entrance from 42nd SW rather than the alley (“Do you want to hear, ‘caution, vehicle approaching’ over and over” each day? he asked.)

“I’m tired of going to meetings about (this project) – but let’s not let this fatigue excuse us from our duty to our community,” he summarized.

Rasmussen said Harbor Properties, developer of Mural (WSB sponsor) to the south, also had sent a letter of concern about the 42nd SW entrance. He agreed that the vehicle crossings on the sidewalk should be “minimized”; architects said they had “pulled back” the building facade to create better sight angles, in hopes of enhancing safety. Harbor’s Emi McKittrick stepped to the podium as Rasmussen mulled their letter, which requested that the entrance be further north than currently planned; she pointed out there is no crosswalk in that immediate area. But Rasmussen ultimately said he believes 42nd would provide a “better entrance” than the alley.

(Sketch of California-facing view from presentation for Conner project in The Junction)
Rasmussen also described the 13-foot residential entrance on California as a “relatively small” area that he didn’t believe would significantly reduce the area’s retail frontage, so he did not ask for any changes in that.

The lengthy briefing and hearing underscored the fact that this is a “very important project,” as Rasmussen had described it toward the hearing’s start.

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Preview the presentation for 7100 Delridge’s design review

The presentation “packet” of graphics/information is now available online for this Thursday’s Southwest Design Review Board meeting on the 7100 Delridge (map) mixed-use project. You can see it here. The proposal (official permit page here) includes a 4-story building fronting on Delridge (north of the Delridge/Orchard Shell station), with 58 apartments and 1,300+ square feet of retail, and three 2-story single-family homes behind it. As part of the proposal, developers are proposing three “departures” (exceptions) from code requirements, all of which require board approval – one involves “setback” on the east side of the project; the other involves the Delridge-facing facade:

We propose modulating the street level facade on the compass orthagonal to visually break up the street facade and create small plaza spaces for retail and landscape to spill out onto the sidewalk.

And the third involves their proposal to remove two trees meeting the city standard for “exceptional”; the developer contends the trees are diseased – their location is shown in this sketch from the packet:

Thursday night’s SWDRB meeting is at 6:30 pm, Senior Center of West Seattle (California/Oregon). There will be a time for public comment, as is always the case at design-review meetings.

ArtsWest: ‘Shipwrecked!’ opens tomorrow; gala set for June 11

April 26, 2011 9:11 am
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(Photo by Michael Brunk; courtesy ArtsWest)
Big week for ArtsWest Playhouse and Gallery (WSB sponsor) in The Junction. Tomorrow night, the next theater production opens: Shipwrecked! An Entertainment…,” which ArtsWest describes as a “raucous fantasy”; it’s written by Pulitzer Prize winner Donald Margulies and directed by AW’s Christopher Zinovitch. Read more about “Shipwrecked!” here. It’ll run through May 21st. And ArtsWest has just announced perhaps its biggest production of the year – the annual gala fundraiser dinner and auction, this year themed “Come Fly With Us” since it’ll be staged at the Museum of Flight, on Saturday, June 11th. Ticket information – and a preview of auction items including luxury getaways – is also on the ArtsWest website.

West Seattle restaurants: Another season of pig roasts ahead

We were just wondering if pig roasts were last year’s fad (2 restaurants, 1 neighborhood) or returning this year – and suddenly, an announcement landed in the inbox. Looks like another season of pig roasts ahead for at least one restaurant: Fresh Bistro just announced that starting on May 5th, it’ll have a series of pig roasts on its porch (lower level of Mural [WSB sponsor]) on 42nd SW, across from Jefferson Square. They will be “culturally themed,” according to today’s announcement, and after Cinco de Mayo, they’ll be on the second and last Tuesday of each month through July, with two more in August.

West Seattle Tuesday: Development, crime prevention, homework…

April 26, 2011 8:04 am
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(Photo taken near Luna/Anchor Park during last week’s low tides, shared by Neal Chism)
From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

JUNCTION PROJECT @ CITY HALL: As previewed last night, the official public hearing for the Conner Homes Junction project’s “alley vacation” is at 9:30 am at City Hall before the City Council Transportation Committee; it’ll be live on Seattle Channel, cable 21 or

ONLINE CRIMEFIGHTING/PREVENTION: What can you really find out from police online? That’s what’ll be revealed in a briefing tonight at the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network meeting, Southwest Precinct, 6:30 pm – full details here.

WRITING AND HOMEWORK HELP: Today, tomorrow, and every Tuesday/Wednesday through mid-June, there’s help for kids ages 8-18 at Neighborhood House‘s High Point Center (6400 SW Sylvan Way), 3 – 5 pm. Hosted by 826 Seattle/Greenwood Space Travel Supply Company staff and volunteers. Details here.

PAVING CONTINUES: If the weather holds, SDOT paving crews plan to lay a new surface of asphalt in the eastbound lane in the 2400 block of Sylvan Way SW (at the curve by Home Depot), after removing the old surface yesterday.

BE INSTRUMENTAL: West Seattle Community Orchestras welcome new members to their practice sessions at Chief Sealth International High Schooldetails here

TRIVIA AT THE FEEDBACK: Rock music trivia every Tuesday night at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 8 pm (wish them a happy early birthday – their party is just four days away).