Jade West Café: New way to help the Wong family

The Jade West Café north of Morgan Junction has remained closed since the drunk-driving crash last December that left longtime proprietor Wah Wong and his son Jason Wong seriously injured. (The drunk driver who hit them pleaded guilty and was sentenced last February.) We’ve been trying to reach the family for a while for a followup – but today, something new arrived in the inbox, with a fast-approaching deadline: The ongoing Pepsi Refresh “vote for a project Pepsi will fund” promotion has partnered with Major League Soccer, and each team proposed a project. The Seattle Sounders‘ project seeks to get the $50,000 Pepsi grant to renovate the Wongs’ Beacon Hill home, to help with the mobility issues they’ve suffered because of the crash injuries – Jason lost a leg. WSB’er Ben forwarded us a Sounders e-mail about this – the first he, and we, had heard of it – but take note, THE VOTING DEADLINE IS 8:59 PM OUR TIME TONIGHT. You can vote here.

18 Replies to "Jade West Café: New way to help the Wong family"

  • dsa September 20, 2010 (1:30 pm)

    It’s an effortless way to help, thank you, I hope we are not too late.

  • Kurt September 20, 2010 (1:34 pm)

    Also, you can vote more than once if you go back to the main page, refresh the browser, and click the “vote” link again.

  • HolyKow September 20, 2010 (1:43 pm)

    You can vote 25 times, so I did…AND YOU SHOULD TOO!!!!!

    Awesome and yet another quality project promoted by the WSB…

    Hey, WSB, are you helping communities or building communities?….I say…

    YES! to both!!!!

    Go TR & CO!!!!


    • WSB September 20, 2010 (1:55 pm)

      Thanks, HK, I am really regretful we didn’t hear of this sooner, but have a message out to the Sounders to (a) try to get further connected into this proposal and (b) to make sure we’re on their radar for anything in the future that has anything even remotely resembling a West Seattle “angle” – we usually tell major organizations/institutions, just send us ALL your news releases if it’s easier and we’ll just delete the non-WS ones, rather than expecting you to think of us on the rare occasions when WS comes into play … TR

  • waman September 20, 2010 (2:01 pm)

    This is awesome! Another reason to love the Sounders –

  • defenestrator September 20, 2010 (2:10 pm)

    A little more important than voting for the next Dick’s location :) thanks!

  • Garden_nymph September 20, 2010 (2:32 pm)

    What a great idea! I just cast my first vote, now for 24 more…

  • Garden_nymph September 20, 2010 (2:33 pm)

    Who needs a Dick’s when we have ZIPPY’S!?

  • LyndaB September 20, 2010 (3:11 pm)

    i did my 25. i’m passing this on to my friends. it’s so easy to do! let’s do it for the wongs!

  • Sharonn September 20, 2010 (3:19 pm)

    Cast my 25 votes!

  • Laurie September 20, 2010 (3:56 pm)

    Where does it say you can vote 25 times? I found this on the information page:

    May I submit more than one vote from the same IP address?

    Yes. However, you may only vote up to 10 times per account per day, but each vote must be for different projects.

    • WSB September 20, 2010 (4:04 pm)

      The main page has a small box saying 25 votes per IP address in 24 hours.

  • Sharonn September 20, 2010 (4:10 pm)

    The site cuts you off after the 25th vote is submitted.

  • grr September 20, 2010 (4:22 pm)

    wish they’d told us about it earlier..but glad to help.-

    I saw one of the ‘regulars’ from Jade West a little while back. He actually rents a place from Wah. Said Wah is having a very hard time healing/beating infections :( Jason seems to be doing better, but it’s a struggle for sure. Just hope they all know how much we’re thinking of them!!!

  • Silly Goose September 20, 2010 (6:26 pm)

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention I voted. This is heartbreakin news that Mr. Wong is still suffering so much. He is the sweetest man and so sincere in all that he does. How many people are going to die or continue to get hurt by drunk drivers!! Really sickens me that DUI are such common occurences!

  • RLynn September 20, 2010 (7:59 pm)

    Woohoo, 25! Took a few minutes, but that’s not much for how much it could help the Wongs. I had not heard their story until this evening and I felt it was the least I could do to cast 25 votes.

  • ellenater September 20, 2010 (9:27 pm)

    Says: “voting is now closed”? I am sad, wanted to do this…

  • Paul September 23, 2010 (12:16 am)

    I wish them well and prayers are with them, now having said that, I ate at the Jade once and it was very dirty and I got sick from the rotten beef that was in my food. Come to think of it we don’t have any good chineese food around here, I drive all the way up to chef at wok in greenwood

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