From the WSB Forums: Target boycott; big yard-sale weekend

In case you don’t regularly check the WSB Forums – which are close to the 100,000-post mark after 2 1/2 years in existence – we like to mention what’s going on in there from time to time – they’ve been particularly busy lately, and you’re welcome to join the discussion OR start one of your own. Today, for example, the Target political-donation controversy has sparked talk of a boycott, and longtime WSB Forums member JoB declared she would deliver her boycott notice to Westwood Village Target today. Also, you are also welcome to publish yard/garage-sale notices for free in the Freebies/Deals/Sales section, and a quick check reveals more than a few in the works for this weekend. Lots more going on – like the rest of WSB, the Forums are in business 24/7/365 – start here.

2 Replies to "From the WSB Forums: Target boycott; big yard-sale weekend"

  • KB August 6, 2010 (6:55 pm)

    The link to the Freebies/Deals/Sales sends me here:

  • Kathleen M. Lake, MA August 11, 2010 (10:51 pm)

    I recently sent this email to all top executives at Target:

    “I wanted to let you know how unsatisfactory Target’s corporate response has been to the outrage regarding your contribution to the religious ultra-right. No amount of awards for simply not persecuting your LGBT staff members can offset this irresponsible act. To assume that not one of the other three candidates would support business and economic growth is absurd and no rational person will except this excuse. Spending profits gained from purchases by LGBT customers (and their friends and extended family members who love them, like myself) to attempt to deny these same people equal protection under the law for their families, is despicable. Either do better or stay out of the political arena… it’s the only ethical choice.

    Since hearing about what you have done, I have stopped shopping at Target which in the past has been my favorite store. I have spent thousands over the last decade and contributed to your success. It sickens me that you have chosen to use my hard-earned money to hurt this persecuted and misunderstood community. I am, on my own, circulating a pledge to boycott Target until you make concrete amends to those you have harmed (saying “we’re so sorry” or “we’ll talk about it” is not enough). It’s the young (who in the vast majority accept gay people and have openly gay friends) and people with money to spend (gay people have more discretionary income than almost any other group) who buy from you. Most families have a gay family member and some even love them. I hope you can see what an ‘anti-business’ move it was (at least for you) to support those who hate gay people and want to oppress them.

    In case it is of interest to you I am a Christian so don’t assume your only criticism comes from the gay community and/or people who are not deeply religious. Bigotry has no place in today’s world and I, for one, will not tolerate it in any form. We are either “one” or we are nothing. Support diversity and stop financially supporting those who don’t.

    Please clarify your ethics statement if you continue to choose to support homophobic or other types of bigoted candidates so that your customers will know about it …Please add the following for clarification of your corporate identity…

    “Target doesn’t allow discrimination in any form. However, Target will lend significant financial support to those who do, whether they are racists or some other type of bigot, simply because they call themselves ‘pro-business.’ Target will not take responsibility for our actions in any concrete manner and will use awards given to us for simply not persecuting or LBGT staff members as ‘proof’ that we really are good folks after all… (so please keep spending your money here so we can keep supporting America’s own special homegrown Taliban… the ultra-right religious fundamentalists.” Kathleen M. Lake, M.A.

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