West Seattle biznotes: Hollywood Video, Wing Dome, Blackboard

HOLLYWOOD VIDEO: While over at Westwood Village this afternoon for an unrelated story, WV manager Stuart Crandall told us this is finally the last day for Hollywood Video, which has been having a going-out-of-business sale for more than 2 months. 10 pm tonight, that’s it, doors close. They’re selling some remaining stock for as little as 75 cents, we’re told. (No new tenant for the space yet.)

WING DOME IN THE JUNCTION: 10 months now since first word the Wing Dome was headed this way. So when are they opening? we’re often asked. As of June, they hoped for early August, but that’s apparently not likely; we checked today with spokesperson Colleen O’Leary, who says they haven’t set the date yet, as the permit situation is keeping things “fluid.” (If you missed the earlier stories, the Wing Dome is going into part of what used to be a larger space for CAPERS; the other part will be Romanza Floral and Tuscan Tea Roomhere’s our report on that.)

BLACKBOARD BISTRO: The new restaurant that’s replacing the short-lived Eness at 3247 California SW now has a website: blackboardbistroseattle.com. It reaffirms they’re hoping to open next month.

7 Replies to "West Seattle biznotes: Hollywood Video, Wing Dome, Blackboard"

  • waman July 27, 2010 (5:08 pm)

    Eats Market should move over to Hollywood Video & open a larger space for more people!

  • dawsonct July 27, 2010 (5:36 pm)

    Must be nice to have the capital to withstand the “fluidity” of the permitting process.

    Wonder which permits are being held up?

  • Carson July 27, 2010 (6:14 pm)

    According to the city, they still have a few open permits. Electrical, hood and bathroom fan/ductwork.

  • CB July 27, 2010 (6:33 pm)

    Video killed the radio star.

  • JayDee July 27, 2010 (7:36 pm)

    Downloads killed the video star (soon Blockbuster?).

  • Ken July 28, 2010 (1:31 pm)

    Re Wingdome, I doubt their wings are better (or hotter!) than the ones at Red Star Pizza on 35th.

  • Baba July 28, 2010 (6:38 pm)

    From what I understand so far, Blackboard got their WS spot for cheap, I’m calling it – a good start!!! Can they prove that spot wrong?

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