Not only were dozens of current West Seattle food/beverage purveyors part of tonight’s Taste of West Seattle, attended by more than 300 people at The Hall at Fauntleroy — one future local eatery was represented too. That’s Andy Pattalochi, manager for the future Wing Dome in The Junction, expecting to open just north of CAPERS in July. We did mention more than 300 people, right?

The Taste of West Seattle is a major fundraiser for West Seattle Helpline, whose board includes First Lutheran Church of West Seattle‘s pastor Rev. Ron Marshall, who tended the all-ages drink table:

Guests were entertained by performers including Troupe Hipnotica:

And after we showed you their setup work earlier, we had to show you the finished look at Skylark Café and Club (WSB sponsor)’s table:

(From left, Roger, Jessie & Charlie) And serving coffee, Lora Lewis of Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (inaugural WSB sponsor):

Just heard back from promoter Brooks re: results of the voting during The Taste – he reports: “Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes won! Fresh Bistro and Bakery Nouveau tied for second.” (WSB was among the co-sponsors of tonight’s event.) FRIDAY MORNING UPDATE: One more photo to add – Helpline provided this photo of director Anna Fern (left) accepting a big (in more ways than one) check from Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor) during The Taste:

FRIDAY NOONTIME UPDATE: A note of acknowledgment from the Helpline’s board president, for the community support – read on!
I just want to extend an enormous THANK YOU to the residents and businesses
of West Seattle, who helped make last night’s Taste of West Seattle a tremendous success! Thank you for reaching out to your networks, spreading the word, and showing up – your care and commitment to the community will allow the West Seattle Helpline extend its reach to more and more West Seattle residents in need.Thank you to all of the West Seattle businesses who volunteered their time and energy – it was great to shake your hand and meet the businesses that entice people to cross the bridge to West Seattle.
Thank you to the West Seattle Blog for your sponsorship and dedication to the West Seattle Helpline –our community is richer because of you.
Thank you to the residents of West Seattle, your friends and your family for sharing the event with us, we are humbled by your support.
Thank you to our amazing board, and executive director Anna Fern for your tenacity and tireless effort toward our mission – a strong community of neighbors helping neighbors!
To all – the community is truly stronger as a result of your support!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Erika Gebow
president, board of directors
West Seattle Helpline