Though we currently do not have an official Obituaries section, when someone takes the time and trouble to ask us to publish an obituary, so that other community members know of the passing, we certainly oblige, and will continue doing so if you have occasion to seek publication of one. ( This morning, Genie wrote to ask that we share news of the upcoming funeral for her sister, longtime West Seattleite Diane Casey Williams:
Born on September 28 1937, she lived most of her life in West Seattle with her husband Orval and her boys, Mark, Dale, Casey and Tom. She was a fixture at Farmers Insurance at “The Junction,” working for Ray Atwood since she was 18 when she graduated from Holy Rosary. She then moved up in the insurance world achieving the high rank of Average Adjuster for maritime claims at Frank B Hall and Fis Maritime, a feat rare for a woman. Diane was a competent, compassionate worker, mother, grandmother, great grandmother and sister who had care-taking down to a science. I have never met anyone who knew my “big sister” who didn’t love her. Funeral services will be held at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church on Friday, June 26, 2009 at 10:00 am, followed by a reception at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Please join the family in celebrating Diane’s life.