Monday miscellany: Make It Workshop, Toastmasters, rummage x 2

MAKE IT WORKSHOP: A sad note from the sewing-instruction business in The Building, the art/craft studios just west of Seattle International Church in Gatewood (Othello west of California; map), seen here in Google Street View:

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Make It Workshop proprietor Joey sent this e-mail announcement headed “Can’t make it work” and asking that it be shared “far and wide”:

As great of an idea as MIW seems to be -So sad to say- I am not attracting enough students to stay in business… Maybe the economy or busy schedules. I dunno?? But for the time being- MIW will have to be on hold…after April maybe..?? If you are signed up for a class, don’t worry, I’ll be here for it- bring a friend if you can!! On another BIG note- I *need *to find an artist or crafter to take/rent my gorgeous space. I ambitiously signed a 2-year lease and cannot get out-until there’s another renter. It’s such an incredible work environment that we put a lot of work into- if you know anyone looking for a space or 2 people?? write me for my landlord’s number/info..

Joey’s contact info is on the Make It Workshop webpage at

TALK WITH THE TOASTMASTERS: One of the listings for today on our West Seattle-wide WSB Events calendar (which now stretches into fall – is YOUR event on it? is from the Daystar Dialoguers Toastmasters, who invite you to their open house, noon-1 pm today at Daystar (across SW Barton from Westwood Village). Find out more about them online at

RUMMAGE X 2: Early heads-up if you relish rummage sales: Two West Seattle churches have big ones planned this Friday and Saturday. West Side Presbyterian Church (3601 California SW; map) plans theirs 9 am-5 pm Friday, 9 am-2 pm Saturday; Tibbetts United Methodist Church (3940 41st SW; map) is at 9 am-4 pm Friday, 9 am-3 pm Saturday.

SPEAKING OF RUMMAGE SALES: The 5th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, presented again this year by WSB, is two months from today – May 9, 2009. More details on this year’s registration, etc., by this time next week.

5 Replies to "Monday miscellany: Make It Workshop, Toastmasters, rummage x 2"

  • Donuts for all March 9, 2009 (7:44 am)

    Maybe it was a lack of marketing or prominent signs and not the economy. This is the first I’ve heard of your business and I live less than 2 blocks away and drive by it daily.

  • needle Nulu March 9, 2009 (9:40 am)

    I agree with Donuts.
    When we finally found out about makeitworkshop, we were told that there was no opportunity for our highly interested 8 year old.
    With the current economy, a friend in the retail sewing machine business reports a spike in sales of sewing machines.
    This should be the ideal time to open up the business and provide classes for all.

  • E.Twin March 9, 2009 (10:20 am)

    I believe there were classes for all ages. At least that’s what the website says. Joey is wonderful…I hope you try to take your 8 year old again before she closes.

  • chris March 9, 2009 (3:04 pm)

    Wow. too bad. This is the first I’ve heard of the workshop and I’d be interested in many of the classes.
    I agree on poor marketing not poor economy.

  • sewJoey March 10, 2009 (4:46 pm)

    wow. this is all so sad for me.. Im a one woman show and feel like all I do is ‘market’ my business with flyers to coffe shops, schools, community centers,the Y, newspapers,freebies to auctions-etc..its been hard as its not my ‘career’..
    I was written up in ‘the herald’ though–a full page!! thank you Rose!
    Tracy from the blog originally told me that if she felt my “new business” was unique to the area she’d write about it..but I guess it wasn’t to her..because she only just wrote about my ‘sad closing’. I’ve worked really hard this year and enjoyed teaching and have many satisfied and returning customers..I will be here at least through April and have NEVER told anyone that their 8 year old cant take a if you’re still interested check out the site for classes..and try not to judge me too harshly-at least I tried.

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