West Seattle weather: Foghorns possible again Monday

Forecast suggests more fog in the morning, which means more foghorns (got a few notes about those today) and possibly more scenes like these: CL took the top photo from Luna (Anchor) Park – noting that it appeared the fog had made a nest for the downtown skyscrapers. Greg took the next photo from Jack Block Park, observing, “We thought the cranes looked like brontosaurii taking over Harbor Island!”

11 Replies to "West Seattle weather: Foghorns possible again Monday"

  • t November 16, 2008 (11:20 pm)

    New to the area…. what in the world is a “foghorn?”

  • austin November 16, 2008 (11:29 pm)

    A foghorn or fog signal is a device that uses sound to warn vehicles of hazards (or of the presence of other vehicles) in foggy conditions. The term is most often used in relation to marine transport. When visual navigation aids such as lighthouses are obscured, foghorns provide an audible warning of rocks, shoals, headlands, or other dangers to shipping.

    I was woken up by the fog horns this morning, but I like them. Maybe a good excuse to go for an early bike ride.

  • d November 16, 2008 (11:41 pm)

    Welcome to Puget Sound –


  • WSB November 16, 2008 (11:49 pm)

    Welcome, “t.” Sorry, foghorns are such a part of living near the water that I wouldn’t have thought to explain them! Before we came to West Seattle 17 1/2 years ago, we lived for three years in the Ocean Beach neighborhood of San Diego, which has a massive fishing pier with a foghorn at the end – and that woke us up many a morning.

  • Scott November 17, 2008 (4:10 am)

    Heard ’em going off at 1 AM someplace… from where I live I can hear 4 or 5 from different locations around the Sound.

  • GB November 17, 2008 (5:28 am)

    Wow. So surprising to me someone hasn’t heard of a foghorn. I love that sound. Another term many find unique to Seattle..sun break..

  • lina November 17, 2008 (8:03 am)

    it was so amazing down there yesterday. i went for a big long walk along alki down to jack block park and was totally mesmerized by the weather. the mix of sun and fog cast the city in a really neat light. days like yesterday- i fall in love with seattle in the winter (which is sometimes tough to do).

  • MargL November 17, 2008 (8:51 am)

    Where are the foghorns in the area? I’m down in Arbor Heights and hear one that’s pretty loud, but that could be echoing from the Harbor Island area.

  • JEM November 17, 2008 (9:49 am)

    In Arbor Heights we mostly hear the ferries sounding their horn as they approach the fauntleroy dock.

  • t November 17, 2008 (1:12 pm)

    Ahhh… I see! I think I heard that this morning.. Thanks for the explanation.. I moved here from Hawaii a few months back… we don’t have those!

  • sleepete November 17, 2008 (4:42 pm)

    Those dang fog horns wake me up all the time. Wonder if we can get them quieted down, used less frequently, or better yet, turned off altogether!

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