Updates: Primary election results

August 19, 2008 8:19 pm
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The first results have just been posted (find the link here), from mail-in ballots counted today. Meantime, just noticed King County – which is really getting out ahead in the online game, with County Executive Ron Simsblog and Twitter feed among other things – has an election-night blog. We’ll watch it as well as the basic numbers. (If you’re in the 11th Legislative District area of White Center, we’re tracking that at White Center Now.) 10:27 PM UPDATE: King County has just posted its second batch of updated results – follow the links to see the latest. Countywide, looks like I-26 will pass, meaning another vote in November. 2:41 AM UPDATE: No more results till the next count late Wednesday afternoon. No surprises that we’ve seen except that Public Lands Commissioner might be a hot state race in November – incumbent Doug Sutherland (R) is less than a percentage point ahead of challenger Peter Goldmark (D) so far.

Governor (statewide here; King County here)
State Superintendent of Public Instruction (statewide here, King County here)
State Public Lands Commissioner (statewide here, King County here)
King Co. Initiative 26 (whether to have a November vote on making certain county offices nonpartisan)
7th Congressional District
34th Legislative District (all three positions)

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