Want to make a meal for people who will really appreciate it?

From the WSB inbox (an update on a program we first reported 2 1/2 months ago):

Since late March, nearly fifty meals have been provided by community members for the 20 men staying at the SHARE shelter at the West Seattle Church of the Nazarene! Thank you to all those who have participated. The meal schedule is looking pretty empty these days, though. Please consider providing a breakfast or dinner this summer. Once, once in awhile, or a regular commitment—all offers are gratefully appreciated. Please see westseattlemeals.airset.com for more information and for open dates on the calendar. Folks who have questions or want to provide a meal should contact Donna Pierce with:

· the date(s) you’d like to provide a meal
· plans for delivery
· your phone number and e-mail address

Thank you for your generosity and willingness to help others at a difficult time in their lives.

9 Replies to "Want to make a meal for people who will really appreciate it?"

  • ellenater June 6, 2008 (9:23 am)

    Thank you for posting that! That’s an invaluable service they are providing…

  • s June 6, 2008 (12:51 pm)

    Yes, this is good. I’ve only got one concern: What about meals for WOMEN in need? –s

  • charlabob June 6, 2008 (2:01 pm)

    Sounds like it’s a little, under the radar shelter for 20 men and they’re just feeding the people who stay there — is there a shelter like that for women in WS? If yes, we should make sure it also serves food. And help them. :-)

  • angelescrest June 6, 2008 (6:50 pm)

    Once again, I’d be intersted in providing a shared (potluck?) meal, if others would like…

  • angelescrest June 6, 2008 (6:51 pm)


  • JanS June 6, 2008 (9:56 pm)

    There are women’s shelters, I think, more for abused women, etc…and they are kept fairly quiet. I think I have a friend who is in an organization that does some things for them. I’ll see what I can find out for y’all..

    angelescrest…I might be willing to help you with a potluck for these guys…shoot me an e-mail, or call me..my info is on my website…just click on my name….:)

  • Franci June 6, 2008 (11:16 pm)

    I’d like to help with a meal(s)

    JanS I think you might have my email.. or I email you with my contact info..


  • Beaboveit June 7, 2008 (10:27 am)

    JanS, Franci & Angelescrest-I too would like to help as I would be unable to provide a full meal for 20 on my own. JanS-as you have a link to your site I will email you my email as well. Thanks!

  • angelescrest June 8, 2008 (11:15 pm)

    I’ve emailed JanS w/info…w/four of us, this should be easily doable.

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