Reader reports: Vandalism in Admiral, Gatewood

(Updated 8:44 am to add the Gatewood report)
First, from Karla:

It’s 12:48 a.m. and my husband, son and I just got through cleaning up the two dozen eggs that were thrown at our house at approximately 12:30 p.m. We live just across from the Admiral Lookout — when I heard the first few eggs hit, I saw a boy approximately 17 years old in a black sweatshirt and black pants run north on 36th Avenue SW and then around the corner on Olga. I ran downstairs to tell my son who ran out our garage and saw some teenagers drive off in a black car. My husband saw the black car from our upstairs bedroom window as well. Just wanted to give everyone in our neighborhood a heads up.

Hours later, from Chris:

Just thought I’d write in about some vandalism that happened last night on Rose Street in Gatewood between 39th and 41st Avenues. It looks like someone drove up the street with a baseball bat, breaking all the drivers’ side mirrors on cars parked along the north side of the street. A neighbor of mine said he heard it happen around 2:30 Saturday morning. I don’t know if other streets were hit as well.

6 Replies to "Reader reports: Vandalism in Admiral, Gatewood"

  • Lou May 10, 2008 (1:52 pm)

    Was it Rose st or Webster? I know some cars on the north side of Webster between 39th and 41st were hit last night – it appears to be from something like a baseball bat.

  • flipjack May 10, 2008 (4:26 pm)

    I didn’t see any broken mirrors on that part of Rose.

  • JanS May 10, 2008 (4:46 pm)

    now…what would be fitting retribution for the baseball bat wielding perps…hmmm…a baseball bat? j/k…I hope they get caught, and punishment is swift and severe…enough already !

  • jno May 10, 2008 (5:49 pm)

    I saw at least three vehicles that had been hit on the south side of that stretch of Rose this morning (didn’t see any on the north side). There was also a fourth mirror laying on the parking strip, but I couldn’t tell what vehicle it was from.

  • mtnpeak May 11, 2008 (7:41 am)

    The Rose Street mirror breakage was actually on the south side of the street, not the north side as originally reported.

  • A May 11, 2008 (3:20 pm)

    Yeah, they busted out the drivers side window of my van on Webster St. No break-in, just broke for the sound of breaking glass. Costly and a major hassle.

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