Crime Watch reader report: Police chase burglar

Out of the WSB inbox, from Trissa:

Just wanted to let you know that someone tried to break into a house on the 4000 block of 23rd Ave SW tonight at 8:00 pm. There was a lot of police activity and they brought dogs to try and catch the person or persons. So a thank you to our police and hopefully they will catch the person(s)!

Side note, we were at the Southwest Precinct reviewing police reports, including last night’s pit-bull shooting incident, just before going to the school-board meeting, and will be writing that all up after the Denny-Sealth wrapup report.

4 Replies to "Crime Watch reader report: Police chase burglar"

  • Joleen February 27, 2008 (10:07 pm)

    Yikes! I live right down the street.
    (and didn’t hear a thing.)

  • Pete February 27, 2008 (11:11 pm)

    Another great reminder to call 911 if you hear or see something that is out of the ordinary. Neighbors watching out for neighbors what a way to build a community.

  • Lachlan February 28, 2008 (8:46 am)

    I don’t know if this is the same incident or not, but there were a number of Sheriff’s deputies with and without dogs searching the Greenbridge development and the White Center greenbelt which happens to be behind myself. I approached a deputy who said someone was on the run who had a warrant out. The ended up catching him about four houses down on my street.

    Scared the crap out of my partner and I.

  • Roger that February 28, 2008 (10:15 am)

    Holy cow… I live on the 3800 block, and I didn’t hear a thing either!

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