Schmitz Park Elementary…looking for feedback for Kindergarten 2009/10

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    We’ve done the Kindergarten tours and were impressed with both Schmitz and Lafayette. Schmitz is our reference school and we’re leaning towards that as our #1 choice; however, the one thing that stood out at Schmitz was that parents were not leading/participating in the tour, as we saw at Lafayette and other schools (Alki, Gatewood). We missed having that perspective (which can be so valuable). Would love to hear from any current Schmitz parents about what’s great or not so great about the school. Any feedback on the new principal? Teacher turnover? Unique programs? Thanks in advance!



    My daughter attends Schmitz Park, and we (her and I) are very happy with the school. My eldest son attended Schmitz as well. Haven’t had any issues with the new principal. Communication is great, and we get at least one e-mail (if not more) per week. I don’t think there is a high turnover with the teachers. My daughter had a few of the same teachers her brother had, and there’s a 7 year age difference between them. As for unique programs; Schmitz participates in the Singapore math (though I am still new to this), and unfortuneatly – I am having a complete brain loss as to the other programs. I highly reccomend this school, and will be sending my other two children to Schmitz when they are of age for kindergarten.



    we’ve been at Schmitz Park for 9 years now with both of my daughters attending K-5. Have loved every bit of it. The parent involvment at the school is very high. Great community overall. Committed teachers and staff. The programs include Singapore math, Passport(geography), Reading, and more. There is also a great PE program and Music, instrumental lessons as well as general music which includes an all-school musical produced annually. I will be sorry when my baby moves on the middle school next year!



    One thing I would advise is to go visit other area schools even if you are sure you like Schmitz Park. We are in Schmitz Park’s reference area and we toured Schmitz Park and Lafayette last year (my son is in Kindergarten now) and put down Schmitz Park as our first choice. We were assigned to Alki and waitlisted for Schmitz Park. I guess it hadn’t occurred to me that we wouldn’t get into our reference school so we hadn’t even visited Alki (or Cooper, or Pathfinder, etc). So we we’re a little surprised.

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