Street changes usually are announced with notices to nearby homes and businesses, but those don’t reach the many other people who also will be affected as they travel through or visit the area, and such is the case for the new features at 39th/Oregon, shown above. Susan emailed us Wednesday after being caught by surprise by the new paint-and-post curb bulbs. We checked in with SDOT, whose spokesperson Ethan Bergerson explained it’s part of ongoing work to “daylight” intersections:
The recently completed project painted new crosswalk markings on the eastern side of the SW Oregon St & 39th Ave SW intersection. It also included new signage indicating that this is a legal crossing, and painted curb bulbs to make it clearer to drivers where parking is not allowed near the intersection. This is called “intersection daylighting” and helps enhance safety by preventing cars from parking illegally in a way that blocks other drivers’ view of oncoming traffic and people crossing the street.
(Here’s the notice nearby homes and businesses received.) Our archives show that community members were seeking safety improvements for this intersection at least as far back as 2016.