WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Witnesses sought in baseball-bat attack; pickup stolen (update: found)

Two Crime Watch reports, starting with an attack that happened Monday evening:

BASEBALL-BAT ATTACK: That photo was sent by a West Seattle woman who says a man smashed her car’s windshield with a baseball bat, twice, while she was in the driver’s seat: “It was absolutely terrifying.” This happened near Fauntleroy/Alaska around 6 pm – the victim says she was trying to pull out of the Trader Joe’s parking lot when the attacker got out of his car “to fight someone” and instead attacked her. Police-radio exchanges included a partial description of the attacker as a Black man, mid-20s, thin build, in a car that had varying descriptions, but the last one broadcast by police was “dark gray Prius with blacked-out rims.” The victim was so shaken up – with glass in her mouth – that “Someone took my phone to finish the 911 call. Thank you to that anonymous person.” We’re awaiting the SPD report narrative to see if they learned anything more from witnesses or area video cameras – in the meantime, the victim is hoping more witnesses will come forward – the case # to refer to is 23-248790. SPD’s violent-crimes tip line is 206-233-5000.

Also in Crime Watch, this reader report of a stolen pickup:

TEAL F-250 TAKEN: Via email from Renee:

Sometime between11:00 PM 8/28 and 7:30 AM 8/29, my brother’s 1996 teal (green) Ford F-250 pickup truck with a long bed (8 foot) and a black rack, license B98508V, was taken from the front of our house in the 5400 block of 18th Ave SW. Report no. 23-249273. If you see this truck, call the police and Mark at 206-423-1650.


15 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Witnesses sought in baseball-bat attack; pickup stolen (update: found)"

  • Randy August 29, 2023 (1:11 pm)

    I saw portions of this incident yesterday evening.  I called SPD violent-tip line today and left a detailed description of what I saw.

    • Randy August 30, 2023 (10:19 am)

      I previously posted here that I saw portions of this incident Monday evening.  This morning I believe I saw the black Toyota Prius with the driver in it.  I reported the location and license plate number to Seattle Police Dept  violent-crimes tip line.

  • Seattlite August 29, 2023 (1:54 pm)

    How horrifying for that woman driver to be attacked by what I call bully drivers. I am sick and tired of the bullies who drive their vehicles recklessly to intimidate other drivers.   These same bullies use their vehicles as part of their bullying of other drivers whether it be to cut off another driver, tailgate another driver, run red lights, not use their blinkers, swerving in and out of lanes while using their phones, speeding, and on and on.

    • Mike August 29, 2023 (6:19 pm)

      I’m not sure how you got that from an individual on foot (exited their car before raging) who took a baseball bat to the victims car, putting the victim physically in danger and verbally threatening the victim.  The suspect threatened and assaulted her with a deadly weapon and damaged personal property.  This was not some annoying tailgater.

  • Beto August 29, 2023 (1:55 pm)

    I wonder if the aggressor entered Trader Joes’s and be on some security camera video? Sounds very scary!

  • Me August 29, 2023 (3:02 pm)

    Every one take pictures if you have a phone!  This person is still out there from what I can tell. Be safe!

  • Kravitz August 29, 2023 (6:54 pm)

    This is terrifying. I truly wonder what would happen in the event the driver hit the gas to escape the attack, and subsequently injured or killed the suspect with her vehicle? I know that’s a terrible scenario but also very real. I think my flight or fight respond would kick in and I’d ultimately want to get the hell out of that situation by any way possible. Terrible situation all the way around. Sending positive thoughts to the victim as they navigate the trauma of this attack. 

    • Chrissy D August 29, 2023 (9:45 pm)

      If it is was in self defense and witnesses were present you would be fine. Why should we stick around to potentially be beaten, you do what you gotta do to protect yourself and not be another victim.

      • Westyone August 30, 2023 (9:56 am)

        That is not what is being asked!  The woman who was endangered is asking for people who witnessed this to step up… not at the time of course…..NOW  and let the police know any identifiers of the person who did this.  Obviously, this woman should be helped out… if someone was a witness, they can help identify the person…. that’s what is being asked. Any one who witnessed this please contact the police and you can request that you be anonymous but if you could help identify who did this, it’s the right thing to do.

    • Rhonda August 29, 2023 (10:26 pm)

      A baseball bat (especially an aluminum one) is a VERY deadly weapon. If a large person is attacking you with one do everything in your power to save your life.

  • Susan August 29, 2023 (9:42 pm)

    West Seattle residents are becoming anethetized to crime events. There were more comments, as usual, on a brief 1-2 minute power outtage, than this outrageous attack on a person simply exiting the TJ parking lot…at 6PM. Glass in her mouth, trying to talk to 911… my heart goes out to the victim, I am sure she expected more responses from all of US, then WE gave/give to other mundane happenings, like a brief loss of power. MAYBE she is too traumitized to even notice. I think WE are all losing out focus, our words, our passion to live in a society that works to provide a safe haven for everyone… I don’ t know… but the current state of affairs is so, soooo depressing.

  • Leslie August 29, 2023 (10:08 pm)

    Reminds me of a similar incident near TJ’s in early August. My partner was driving my car. He was turning onto Fauntleroy and a guy in a white SUV slammed right into the driver’s side door.  When my partner suggested that they move their vehicles to the side to avoid blocking traffic, the other guy (Black man probably in his early 30s) leapt out of the SUV, screaming “I’m gonna sue! I’m gonna sue!” He then leapt onto the hood and KICKED IN THE WINDSHIELD. It shattered and cratered. The cops showed up but they just filed a report. My insurance company told me the crazy guy has a “history” with them. Sounds like a scam schemer. I realize this all sounds crazy – but I’m just advising everyone to please be careful. P.S. No one was injured, though my car was pretty messed up!

  • Tired WS Mom August 30, 2023 (7:09 am)

    Sounds oddly familiar to an incident I had with a similar vehicle… I didn’t see the driver but he passed me on delridge on a double yellow, swerved at me & almost sent me into the bike lane pilons and then sped in front of me and took off.. through MULTIPLE red lights. 

  • Neighbor August 30, 2023 (7:44 am)

    I’m so sorry that happened to you and your car. That must have been terrifying. Hopeful this person will be caught soon and held accountable for this violence. 

  • Sarah August 31, 2023 (1:57 pm)

    I was the victim in this attack. This was a very deliberate act of violence, and was extraordinarily terrifying. The vehicle had no license plates, he exited his vehicle once to confront another driver, in the middle of Fauntleroy, returned to his vehicle and retrieved a bat.He was blocking the exit from Trader Joe’s. There were no vehicles in front of him all the way to the stoplight at the Fauntleroy/Alaska intersection. I honked to get his attention. He went absolutely crazy.He smashed the windshield so hard it is bowed into the car.SPD left a card with the incident number and helped me get it parked once I was calmed down enough, in hopes no one will report it abandoned or have it towed. The car will have to sit until Saturday, which is the first appointment I could get for the glass replacement.I have nothing but kind words for the police and fire persons who showed up to help me. There was a male and female who showed up with the fire department who were especially kind. One held my hand for a very long time, the other had a very calm voice and demeanor.One person with SPD drove me home.I do not think Trader Joe’s has security cameras, but the Shell station across the street does, and that’s where he first exited his vehicle. Police were working on getting survelience, but with no license plates, it’s unlikely to show anything useful. The person did not appear to have any outstanding features that would make him easy to identify.I had the thought “what would have happened if I had accelerated and hit him?” as an instinct, to get out. However, my response was covering my face and screaming in horror. It happened so fast, I didn’t even respond. But yes, I think the response-self preservation of life-could have wound up very differently for both of us. I cannot imagine hitting someone with a vehicle, but yes, that could have been the outcome.The only other time I’ve experienced something close to this involved domestic violence and a gun, and another incident at Paradise on Mount Rainier where we were in lockdown at the visitors center because a man shot and killed a park ranger.I’m sickened to open the West Seattle blog today and see the car vandalism and theft that has happened in the past few days.I’m not asking for sympathy. But patience clearly goes a long ways when we are out in the world. As the police officer who drove me home said, we are living in scary times. Stay kind and safe. I know WS is full of kind people, and this has been my community for 18 years. 

Sorry, comment time is over.