Those two videos are from a crash-and-grab burglary at the nonprofit West Seattle Tool Library, which is on the northeast side of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center in North Delridge. Head librarian Micheal sent the report and videos today, and says this happened a week ago:
Around 3:30 in the morning of Friday the 11th, we fell victim to a “smash-and-grab” burglary: a 1998-2000 greenish-blue Ford pickup truck was crashed through our roll-up shop door, and the driver made off with several thousand dollars worth of tools and cash from the workshop. Fortunately, none of the tools we check out were stolen, but the stolen items were some of the most important for performing maintenance, as well as for our members to use for projects in the shop. We’re now hoping to raise $4,000 to replace the items that were stolen and damaged in the break-in, and to reinforce our security yet again. The police report number is 23-237581.
In case you can’t see the videos, here’s a screengrab:
The Tool Library’s donation link is here (via PayPal).