West Seattle, Washington
05 Wednesday
(Photos by WSB’s Patrick Sand, unless otherwise credited)
It was a community-wide, continent-spanning celebration in South Park this morning as 2018 Fiestas Patrias parade participants danced, walked, rolled, and rode. The Latino Riders were on two wheels – sometimes one:
The Easy Duz It car club was a parade on its own, on four wheels and sometimes two:
The parade also featured the original kind of horsepower:
Lots of music, including Mariachi Huenachi from Wenatchee:
Joyas Mestizas, who you might have seen in the West Seattle Grand Parade, was another participating folklorico group:
Other groups represented individual Latin American nations, including El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Here’s the Grand Marshal, United States District Court Chief Judge Ricardo Martinez of the Western District:
Another dignitary – newly confirmed Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best:
In the SPD entourage accompanying the chief was Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Pierre Davis, whose jurisdiction includes South Park:
Local schools were in the parade too, including West Seattle’s own Denny International Middle School, whose principal Jeff Clark sent photos and a report:
Congratulations to all of the Denny scholars and staff who proudly represented their culture and school marching in the annual Fiestas Patrias parade in South Park today!
Thanks to Mr. Albanes, Mr. Garcia, and Ms. Olsen, the Dolphins had the chance to show great leadership and pride as they waved to family and friends lining the streets of South Park. This parade is always a highlight of the year — this year, the tradition was as strong as ever! Go Dolphins!
Our photographer spotted the principal photographing the group:
South Park’s own Concord International (Elementary) also walked the parade route. The Fiestas Patrias parade is presented by Sea Mar Community Health Centers, whose headquarters in South Park were the start of the route, which ended at South Park Community Center, site of an afternoon-long festival and health fair.
Those “no parking” signs along Duwamish Head reminded us to remind you: Alki Avenue SW will be closed for a while Sunday morning for the Cosmo 7K, rescheduled because of last month’s wildfire smoke. It’s a 7K run and 5K walk/run, starting at 9:30 am from Alki Bathhouse, followed by a 10:30 am kids’ run (10 and under); last-minute registration will open at 8 am. Part of the proceeds benefit Northwest Hope and Healing.
7:55 PM: Thanks for the tip. Avoid the Fauntleroy entrance to the eastbound bridge for a while – SFD and SPD have responded to a crash.
8:42 PM: No major injuries – the log shows that SFD closed out of the call relatively quickly.
Photos by Leda Costa for West Seattle Blog
A landmark West Seattle building dating back to the ’20s was the site last night of a celebration with that era as its theme – the West Seattle Food Bank‘s annual cocktail-party-and-more benefit A Grand Affair. At The Sanctuary at Admiral, beverages, games, and even tarot-card readings kept guests engaged:
Those in attendance at the party at the former church included at least one minister:
Talking with Husky Deli‘s Jack Miller, that’s Rev. Ron Marshall of the First Lutheran Church of West Seattle, about to celebrate history of its own, with centennial festivities a week from tomorrow.. Below, our photographer also caught up with Lora Radford of the West Seattle Junction Association, WSFB development director Judi Yazzolino, and Rita Dixson, proprietor of The Bridge:
Everyone got $10,000 in mock money for the tables, with prizes up for grabs:
Proceeds help the WS Food Bank fight hunger by serving thousands of people in our community year-round. If you couldn’t be there – you can help any time in all these ways! P.S. WSB was among the co-sponsors of last night’s event.
If a student in your family is looking for scholarship money – the West Seattle VFW wants you to know the VFW’s essay contests have launched. The contests include the Voice of Democracy for 9th-12th graders, and there are two competitions for younger students too. It’s all detailed here:
If the embedded document doesn’t work for you, here it is in PDF.
Thanks to Jim for the video. As seen on the rails behind Chelan Café this morning, that’s a closer look at some of the military equipment moving through Terminal 5 right now. As described by a Port of Seattle spokesperson, it’s part of “U.S. Army equipment, supplies, and provisions … part of a scheduled unit rotation of U.S. Forces to Korea,” being handled by Foss as part of its interim lease at T-5. Port Commissioner Ryan Calkins told the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce on Thursday that the shipments are primarily from Texas.
First a cow … now a polar bear, seen off West Seattle this morning. A texter sent that photo from Don Armeni Boat Ramp. The bear is in the area for this protest across the bay later this afternoon:
A family-friendly vigil happening Saturday, September 15 near the Pier 91 cruise terminal will highlight how human-caused climate change is impacting the health of the world’s oceans, especially the Arctic. The vigil will feature a floating art installation in Elliott Bay of a polar bear perched on a melting iceberg.
The vigil is happening on Arctic sea ice minimum day, the annual day when the sea ice extent is at its lowest. Sea ice minimum — which occurs in mid-September of each year — happens when the ice stops melting and the glaciers begin to accumulate again. The vigil will also draw attention to the role cruise ships play in accelerating the melting ice in the Arctic and contributing to sea level rise by burning heavy fuel oil, the dirtiest fossil fuel available for marine transportation.
The National Snow and Ice Data Center tracks sea ice at nsidc.org. A September 4 blog post by NSIDC says this year’s sea ice minimum is expected to be one of the ten lowest in the satellite record.
The event coincides with two other international vigils for Arctic sea ice minimum day, in London and Rotterdam. The event is also part of the region-wide Salish Sea Day of Action.
The vigil is happening by the Magnolia cruise-ship terminal 3-5 pm. (The ship in the background is the new megaliner Norwegian Bliss, docked today at Pier 66 downtown; the port touted its environmentally friendlier features earlier this year.)
10:53 AM: Thanks for the tips about the SFD water-rescue response at Don Armeni. SFD says, “Fireboat responding to water near Alki Ave. SW for report of person who was on kayak that is now in distress. Patient is reported to have life jacket on, however, waters are cold. Crews working to bring the patient to shore.”
11:13 AM: Update from SFD: “Firefighters helped bring the kayaker to shore near Alki Ave. SW. Medics assessing patient condition. Thank you to observant bystanders who recognized the kayaker was in distress.”
(Thanks to Larry Murante for the Alki view of Thursday’s sunset)
Your mid-September Saturday includes many options, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar – but first, a traffic reminder:
HIGHWAY 99 CLOSURE: Remember that SB 99 between the Battery Street Tunnel and West Seattle Bridge is scheduled to remain closed until late Sunday night. If anything changes, we’ll publish a separate update.
Now, reasons to stay on the peninsula!
PANCAKE BREAKFAST: Start your weekend with a full belly and a warm feeling you’ve done a good deed, via the Lions Club benefit Pancake Breakfast at the Senior Center of West Seattle, 8 am-11 am. (4217 SW Oregon)
2ND TIME SALE, 1ST DAY: As previewed here on Friday, Fauntleroy Church‘s Fellowship Hall is brimming with well-arranged, nicely priced treasures. You can even prep for winter:
Open for your shopping pleasure 9 am-4 pm. (9140 California SW)
MATTRESS FUNDRAISER: As previewed here, the West Seattle High School Booster Club is raising money for the athletic program with a sale of new brand-name mattresses at the school today, 10 am-5 pm. (3000 California SW)
NATIVE PLANT TREASURE HUNT: 10 am, take a guided walk in the West Duwamish Greenbelt:
Come learn about native plants, the importance of urban forests, and the problems posed by invasive species. See if we can find Maidenhair fern, Piggyback plant and other plants rarely seen in Seattle. Guided by Steve Richmond of Garden Cycles, a forest restoration company. The hike is just over a half mile long, but Steve will stop along the way to point out native plants and talk about the restoration efforts underway.
(Meet at 1900 SW Dawson trailhead)
WESTFEST: 10 am-10 pm, second and final day/night of Holy Rosary School‘s fall festival. All invited. Food, music, rides, games. And bring diapers for WestSide Baby! (42nd SW/SW Genesee)
SECOND GEAR SPORTS’ 5TH ANNIVERSARY: Five years since Second Gear Sports opened in Morgan Junction, and at today’s 10 am-6 pm anniversary sale, you get the gifts – detailed in our calendar listing. (6529 California SW)
FIESTAS PATRIAS PARADE & FESTIVAL: 11 am parade, 1 pm festival, in South Park, a celebration of Latin American cultures – the parade route’s linked in our calendar listing. The festival’s at the end of the parade route, the South Park Community Center. (8319 8th Ave. S.)
BENEFIT CAR WASH: The Seattle Lutheran High School cheer squad invites you to get your car washed at their benefit, 11 am-2 pm at West Seattle Autoworks (WSB sponsor), by donation. (35th SW/SW Webster)
WEST SEATTLE LINUX USERS GROUP PICNIC: Instead of the regular meeting time/place, WSeaLUG is going to the beach! 11 am-2 pm picnic at Lincoln Park Shelter 3. (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW)
OKTOBERFEST AT OUNCES: German-style beer, music, food, noon-10 pm, family-friendly, all welcome at Ounces! (3809 Delridge Way SW)
SALSA ON ALKI: Last scheduled session for this year! 5 pm lesson, then dancing. Details in our calendar listing. Happening at Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza.(61st SW/Alki SW)
ROO & THE FEW: Live music at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) with Roo Forrest and friends, 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)
HANZ ARAKI BAND: The singer and flute player prominent in the Irish music scene brings his band to Kenyon Hall, 7:30 pm – details in our calendar listing. (7904 35th SW)