Memorial service Monday for Morey Skaret, Fauntleroy storyteller

The memorial service for Fauntleroy legend Morest “Morey” Skaret, 100, is set for 10 am this Monday (April 7th) at Forest Lawn (6701 30th SW). As noted in his obituary, as published in The Seattle Times, Mr. Skaret had been a West Seattleite since childhood. He also served with the Seattle Police Department for more than 40 years; our photo at right is from 2012, when he was honored by the Seattle Police Relief Association. Mr. Skaret was known by many as a storyteller; some of his stories are on, like this one. Fauntleroy writer/editor/community advocate Judy Pickens edited Mr. Skaret’s book of life stories, “Morey’s Bench“; we asked her for a few words in his memory:

“Nothing reveals the grain of a life and the time of its living quite like personal stories. And to loved ones, friends, and neighbors, no one can tell a story better than Morey Skaret.”

I wrote those words in 2003, when Morey and I culminated publication of “Morey’s Bench,” a collection of his stories spanning his early years on a homestead in Alberta, through his settling in Fauntleroy in 1937, to his long retirement overlooking the ferry terminal. Throughout the process, I could never convince him that people would want to buy the book. When the dust settled, however, we had reprinted it three times to satisfy demand.

With Morey’s passing on March 27, loved ones, friends, and neighbors have those stories and many “Did I ever tell you about…” moments with him as fond memories. Those not fortunate enough to have a copy of the book may find a sampling of his stories at

If you have a story to share, Mr. Skaret’s online guestbook is here.

11 Replies to "Memorial service Monday for Morey Skaret, Fauntleroy storyteller"

  • Rick April 5, 2014 (2:15 pm)

    Morey was the other “Mr. West Seattle” next to Normie Beers. Great guy. (Both Morey and Normie) R.I.P Morey.

  • Norma April 5, 2014 (3:06 pm)

    I met Morey when I attended the Alzheimer’s support group at Mt St. Vincent. He was always there with love and support for people who were going through an extremely difficult time.

  • pigeonmom April 5, 2014 (3:49 pm)

    His kindness will be missed.

  • Steve f April 5, 2014 (4:50 pm)

    It is with sadness I read this. I run by his house almost every day and for years we would exchange a few words or, later, wave at each other. My Dad was a fellow CG retiree and we would chat about that. He tamed all the wildness on the hillside overlooking the dock by his house. A positive force for his family and community he will be fondly remembered

  • Max April 5, 2014 (5:25 pm)

    When I was young my Dad told me stories about Morey from the 50’s. Then in the 70’s I sold newspapers on the Ferry Dock and sometimes on the weekend Morey would stop and visit and tell me stories of his interesting life and buy a paper and always gave me a tip. A wonderful man would be a understatement.

  • Kevin April 5, 2014 (5:46 pm)

    HURRY! if you would like a copy of his book. Not too many out there for sale, but looks like a fascinating read! I managed to locate a copy in good condition for about $20 as a result of reading Judy Picken’s short sample of one of his stories.

  • Laura April 6, 2014 (12:22 am)

    Morey will be greatly missed. Always greeted us with a wave and a smile.

  • Mary Jo Smith April 6, 2014 (4:39 am)

    My husband and I were living in New Mexico at the time we met Morey. We visit our daughter in West Seattle often. One evening we were eating at McDonalds…my husband always wears a black cowboy hat. A gentleman commented on the hat, ask us to join him and his friend,and thus began an evening of many stories. He gave us his address and we visited him a few times.

  • miws April 6, 2014 (7:53 am)

    The loss of another legendary West Seattleite. :-(


    And I agree with Rick…



  • Paul Mason April 6, 2014 (9:19 am)

    My wife and I purchased our first ever home in West Seattle next to Morey’s sister in 2002. Had the pleasure of chatting with him a number of times on his frequent visits to her, as well as many of their extended family who still live in the neighborhood.
    Wonderful people, all of them.
    God bless Norm and Family.

  • harriet benjamin April 7, 2014 (1:05 pm)

    Morey was the ultimate gentleman at all times. He was also a walking talking history book.
    He never said a bad word about anyone and I have neer heard a bad wore about him.
    He will be missed.

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