Happening now: City of Joy donation-drive dropoff

February 15, 2014 12:01 pm
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Don’t let the rain stop you – it’s not stopping Mary Ellen and Lucas (and Libby, who was off on an errand when we stopped by) from collecting essential items for women at the City of Joy, until 2 pm today on the south side of the parking lot at 44th/Alaska (best known as the Farmers’ Market lot). Here again is our preview explaining what this is all about; here again is the list of what’s needed:

* The preference is for new items (definitely make-up, toiletries and skin care products.) Gently used items are also greatly appreciated.

Solar-powered flashlights
Solar-powered radios
Reading glasses

Garden/work gloves
Garden trowels
Small garden shovels
Sewing supplies – thread, buttons, needles, scissors, embroidery thread
Muslin fabric

Women’s Clothing
Skirts, tops, & light pants (all sizes) NOTE: It is hot & humid in Congo. We need clothes in bright colors and light fabrics. NOT Seattle clothes! ☺
Durable flip-flops
Sneakers (size 7-10)
Socks (bright colors to fit shoe size 7-10)
Underwear & bras (all sizes)

Toiletries & Personal Care
Towels – bath, hand and wash cloths (bright colors)
Moisturizing lotion

Anything you can spare, one item or dozens, will help fill the truck!

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