Election 2012: Sheriff candidates’ forum this Thursday

checkbox.jpgWe’re now less than two months away from the November election – less than a month and a half from the arrival of ballots and the start of voting. One of the marquee local races is for King County Sheriff. Steve Strachan, appointed to the job after Sue Rahr left earlier this year, is on the ballot along with John Urquhart, who as a KCSO sergeant was the department’s longtime media spokesperson till leaving a year ago. Both candidates will be featured during an event in White Center next Thursday – the quarterly public-safety forum presented by the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council. Everyone’s invited, wherever you live, and we haven’t heard yet about any West Seattle forum planned with this nonpartisan race, so we’re mentioning this one here – 7 pm Thursday (September 13th), North Highline Fire District headquarters, 1243 SW 112th.

3 Replies to "Election 2012: Sheriff candidates' forum this Thursday"

  • Yours thru September 8, 2012 (6:02 pm)

    I hope WC residents will attend this forum. Strachan changed staffing levels in WC so that only one officer works at night. This is truly unacceptable, no matter what budget cuts are needed. A sheriff’s main priority is to provide BASIC police services. I’ve already confirmed with Urquhart that he plans to go back to previous staffing levels when elected.

  • JimmyG September 8, 2012 (7:32 pm)

    Yours thru your info is incorrect and out of date.
    WC is back at it’s previous staffing level and has been for over a month.
    The decrease in staffing was a short-lived thing, from May through August.
    KCSO tried it and realized it didn’t work.

  • WaitaMinute September 9, 2012 (12:16 pm)

    Hey Urquhart shill (Yours thru), how about saving your incorrect comments for paid political advertising? Quit littering minor online notices with political statements. Especially ones that aren’t true. Is this what we can expect from Urquhart too?

Sorry, comment time is over.