day : 17/05/2012 11 results

Update: That Highland Park/White Center helicopter search

helicopterwatch.png11:34 PM: We’re checking on reports of a helicopter in south Highland Park/north White Center, after multiple texts and calls. Nothing obvious from Seattle Police over the scanner, but that could mean it’s in the county jurisdiction, or that it’s not a law-enforcement helicopter at all.

11:51 PM: So far no info – and the helicopter has left the area. If we do find out anything tonight or tomorrow, we’ll add it here.

ADDED 9:45 AM FRIDAY: Sgt. Rodney Chinnick of the King County Sheriff’s Office tells us Guardian One was helping search for assault suspects. We don’t have the incident location yet but he says, “A 40 year old male was assaulted. He suffered a broken jaw and ankle”; 1300 block of SW Roxbury.

WS Helpline serves up biggest Taste of West Seattle ever

The main room at The Hall at Fauntleroy was just one of four spots around the grounds of the old schoolhouse filled by 51 food-and-beverage purveyors for tonight’s Taste of West Seattle. More attendees than ever, too, enthused Tara Byrne, executive director of the event’s beneficiary/organizer, West Seattle Helpline. And it wasn’t just the lineup – it was what they offered:

Jes and Sarah from Chaco Canyon Organic Café (WSB sponsor) offered sweet-potato samosas. And for the omnivore …

… the team from The Bridge had their famous bacon-wrapped dates. For West 5, of course it was their popular mac ‘n’ cheese:

Amber from Freshy’s is known far and wide for her soup:

Chef Wade” – who’s just unveiled his newest menu at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) — had pulled-pork sliders:

The Hall’s resident Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering made asparagus quinoa salad and grilled citrus prawns:

Salad was also on the menu for Pizzeria 22 proprietor Cary – arugula salad with gorgonzola:

Your notetaker here wandered away while co-publisher Patrick was photographing Ere and Ani from Pan Africa Grill, so we didn’t catch what dish/es they were serving:

Of course, there was dessert. There must be dessert. Stuffed Cakes, for one:

Full Tilt Ice Cream‘s ice-cream bike was there – getting ready to turn around to an appearance at White Center’s Caffe Delia for Bike-to-Work Day Friday morning:

Speaking of coffee – Hotwire (WSB sponsor) was right by the front door – one of several coffee purveyors, including Heidi from Bird on a Wire Espresso:

And with 51 participants – Tara said they had to turn some aspiring participants away, in the process of locking in the lineup! – we didn’t get to photograph them all. Check the names out here. Oh, and cheese, courtesy of Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor), which brought something even bigger than food, a $7,500 donation:

That’s Metro Market Admiral store director Glen Hasstedt with Kim and Laura from the cheese department (where cheese is also made, not just sold!).

Helpline doesn’t expect to have the night’s take tallied up for a few days; we’re also awaiting word on who won the votes for best taste. P.S. If you want more proof of how this event has grown – we looked up a WSB mention from three years ago; the number of participating food/drink providers was only about a third of what it is now!

1:08 AM UPDATE: From the Taste of West Seattle Facebook page – Fresh Bistro/Herban Feast Catering won “best taste,” Prost! West Seattle came in 2nd, Ma’ono Fried Chicken and Whisky was third.

West Seattle youth sports: Totems mark shooting success

(WSB photo by Patrick Sand)
We often hear from youth sports groups including soccer, softball, baseball, football, swimmers, skaters … but until a tip from Larry two nights ago, we hadn’t heard from or about the West Seattle Totems. They are a very successful youth-sports group in our area – with a waiting list, we’re told. The Totems’ sport is riflery; they practice at the West Seattle Sportsmen’s Club‘s Roger Dahl Shooting Range underneath West Seattle Stadium. We were invited to visit the Totems’ celebration last night of recent successes in statewide and other competition – note the medals and trophies – and took a group photo; speaking of photography, West Seattle photographer Machel Spence was there too – turns out she’s a Totem mom and helped round up information, including the fact that several of the team members will compete in the Air Rifle Nationals this year, and that West Seattle Totems shooters have achieved three national records!

Transportation alerts: Bike-to-Work Day; Alaskan Way Viaduct closure; Alki ‘car-free day’; Spokane Street Viaduct

BIKE-TO-WORK DAY TOMORROW: For participating bicyclists, there’s the “commute station” by the west end of the “low bridge” plus, if you’re coming from White Center, or heading through there, two WC stops, Caffé Delia and Dubsea Coffee, all detailed in the preview we published earlier this week.

ALASKAN WAY VIADUCT WEEKEND CLOSURE REMINDER: 11 pm Friday to 5 am Monday, so WSDOT can keep working on reinforcing the section of The Viaduct that the tunnel will go beneath.

SUNDAY CLOSURES/CHANGES ON ALKI: Sunday starts with the West Seattle 5K (co-sponsored by WSB) benefit run/walk at 9 am, and at 11 am, Seattle Summer Streets (aka “car-free day”) – here are the Alki traffic changes you can expect as a result – note that even though the car-free events are on a limited section of the street, the rest of it is ONLY open to residents. Here’s how SDOT explains the plan:

•From 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.: Alki Avenue SW will be fully closed from 63rd Avenue SW to the Don Armeni Boat Launch Ramp for the West Seattle 5K Run/Walk. All parking will be restricted from 63rd to 56th and along the waterside from 56th to the boat ramp.

•From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.: Alki Avenue SW will be fully closed from 63rd to 56th Avenue SW for the Summer Streets event. Parking will be restricted on both sides of the street during this time.

Access exceptions will be made for emergency vehicles and people with disabilities. After 11 a.m. local access to condos will be allowed from 56th Avenue SW to the Don Armeni Boat Launch Ramp. As in the past, SPD will detour those who do not live in the vicinity from Alki on to California Ave SW until 5 p.m.

(Added Friday morning: The citywide weekend event alerts, here.)

NEXT WEEK AND BEYOND, SPOKANE STREET VIADUCT PLANS: A roundup of what’s ahead for the Spokane Street Viaduct section of the West Seattle Bridge includes two notes looking past next week, before next week’s closure schedule – the switch from eastbound 1st ramp open to eastbound 4th ramp open is not going to happen next week after all; plus, in early June there will be a full=weekend closure of the westbound SSV – read on for complete details from SDOT:Read More

New mystery: St. Patrick’s Day stripe repainted, 2 months ‘late’

The photo is courtesy of a North Admiral resident who doesn’t want to be identified but wrote, “Looks like the leprechauns finally woke up from their 2-month nap and refreshed the green stripe on 41st (behind Metropolitan Market) last night. They even did the shamrock at the end. Was it a special Irish saint’s day? Or just a delay due to rain? Either way, we’re glad it’s back!” We looked up Irish holidays; nothing. Today is exactly two months since St. Patrick’s Day – when the stripe usually turns up “refreshed” – perhaps May was confused with March? Or, someone decided to make it a Syttende Mai stripe instead?

Followup: Last night’s airplane route/noise mystery solved!

Mystery solved, regarding the unusual flight pattern – and noise – that many heard over north West Seattle last night (as reported here); we contacted Sea-Tac Airport‘s media officer Perry Cooper, who researched it and, along with the airport’s noise officer, just called back with what they found out: A quirk in the weather caused Sea-Tac and Boeing Field to be in opposite flows; almost always, they are landing/taking off in the same “flow,” according to Cooper, but a “weird wind” last night caused Sea-Tac to be in south flow, Boeing Field to be in north flow, “so in order to make sure there would not be any conflicts, the jets taking off from Boeing Field were being routed (over) West Seattle.” So unless the wind quirk happens again, it was a one-time thing.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen car; troubling encounter; Genesee followup

Three notes this afternoon: First, a stolen-car report from Thaddeus:

Our 1994 Dodge Caravan was stolen Sunday night from in front of our house in Puget Ridge. Dark green with purple decorative stripe, tinted windows. License # ACF0177. Apart from the usual hardships from losing a car, this van also served two handicapped individuals. Any info greatly appreciated!

Ahead, e-mail about a troubling encounter in North Admiral, plus a followup about an assault incident first reported by a commenter:Read More

West Seattle ferry alert: 2 days with 2 boats on Fauntleroy run

Capacity on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth run of Washington State Ferries will be down a boat next Monday and Tuesday because the Tillikum has to go in for its annual inspection and the Klahowya isn’t available to replace it – it’s still out of service for repairs. So WSF has sent an alert about this, as well as posting notices at terminals and publishing the 2-boat schedule on its website (see it here). The Tillikum actually will be out of service for the inspection starting Sunday, but WSF will be adding the Yakima on the route, just for that day, before it moves to another run.

Video: Arbor Heights hosts superintendent-to-be José Banda

That’s one of the most personal moments we caught on video this morning as Arbor Heights Elementary School played host to José Banda – who starts work as Seattle Public Schools’ next superintendent July 1st, after the School Board voted unanimously last night to finalize his hiring. It might be a little hard to hear (with multiple camera shutters mixed in), but he’s speaking with a student about world geography, and mentioning that his son is currently working half a world away – as a teacher. Banda looked in on classrooms all over the school, as well as orchestra practice in the cafetorium, and gave short interviews to the panoply of media crews that showed up (this was his only official photo op as his Seattle visit continued today). But before the designated 10 am start time for the school tour, he was greeted by AH students:

Thanks to an AH parent for sharing that photo of Marcia Ingerslev‘s first-graders, who were dressed as farmers, since they presented the new superintendent with a plant – you saw their story here last week, as they are selling and giving away tomato plants, and will be at Roxbury Safeway this Saturday. (Watching the students, from left, are district communications director Lesley Rogers, executive director of West Seattle schools Aurora Lora; superintendent-to-be Banda; and AH principal Christy Collins; WS school-board director Marty McLaren was there for the visit too). We also took many photos, and more video, and are going through it all right now, to add more to this story later.

(And yes, the new superintendent said, the students did make sure he knows about the poor condition their building is in – rated worst in the district – the BEX IV levy currently proposes a new building for AH, but not to be completed until 2018, and the community is campaigning to have that timetable moved up before the levy plan is finalized this fall; its problems were amply explained during a BEX-related meeting at AH that we covered in April.)

ADDED 4:50 PM: More photos, ahead:Read More

With Design Review next week, see the 4724 California concepts – and a citizen’s response

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

One week from today, the 4724 California development proposal goes before the Southwest Design Review Board for the first time.

Today, we have two views of the ex-Petco site’s potential 7-story future. One is in a set of sketches from the development team – to whom we spoke for stories published here on April 20th and April 30th, following up first word of the plan four weeks ago, as well as the latest version of the packet for next week’s meeting (see it here). Above is the project team’s “preferred” early-concept sketch.

We also have what you might call a packet of “alternative” concepts put together by one of the community members who recently previewed the early sketches in their first round of unofficial community meetings. He wonders what you think about HIS design guidelines.

Read More

WS Thursday: Taste of West Seattle; WS Nooners; bridge alerts

(Photo by Danny McMillin, taken south of Alki Point, shared via Flickr)
WESTBOUND SPOKANE STREET VIADUCT CLOSURE TONIGHT – AND 1 LANE CLOSED EASTBOUND: After scattered shorter closures recently, the entirety of the westbound Spokane Street Viaduct is scheduled to be closed tonight, as part of the continuing work in the final months of the project to widen it, 10 pm-5 am. And this time, the eastbound stretch also is scheduled to be reduced to one lane, 11 pm-5 am. Details here, from SDOT.

AND REMINDER, ALASKAN WAY VIADUCT/99 CLOSURE THIS WEEKEND: 11 pm Friday to 5 am Monday, crews are scheduled to continue reinforcing the AWV in advance of the tunneling that will happen beneath it. (Full details here from WSDOT.)

PIZZA BENEFIT FOR SANISLO: 11 am-11 pm today, Red Star Pizza is donating ten percent to Sanislo Elementary, according to the school’s PTA.

WEST SEATTLE NOONERS’ MEMBERSHIP EXTRAVAGANZA: Local businessperson? The West Seattle Nooners group (WSB sponsor) is interested in meeting you at its Membership Extravaganza today, noon at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW) – read all about it here.

WEST SEATTLE CELLARS WINE TASTING: In addition to pouring at the Taste of West Seattle (next preview), West Seattle Cellars (WSB sponsor) is having its regular Thursday night tasting too – 5:30-8 pm, full details here. (Don’t forget to check out the WSB coupon for first-timers.) 6026 California SW.

TASTE OF WEST SEATTLE: The 7th annual benefit for West Seattle Helpline is bigger than ever – with a long list of food/beverage providers participating. If online ticketing is closed by the time you check this link, there might be some left at the door – 6:30 pm is when the main event begins. The Hall at Fauntleroy (9131 California SW; remember it’s 21+ only)

FIRST PTA MEETING FOR K-5 STEM AT BOREN: The school opens in less than four months, and families are deciding now how to organize their PTA – as a PTSA affiliated with that larger group, or maybe as an independent smaller group. Be part of the launch, 6:30 pm at Southwest Library (35th/Henderson).

‘BYE BYE BIRDIE’ CONTINUES: It’s West Seattle High School‘s spring musical, and you can cheer the student actors, singers, and musicians tonight at 7:30 pm. Ticketing info and more on the Westside Drama website.