North Delridge Neighborhood Council: New name needed?

Communication issues – from names to outreach to online presence – are among the toplines from Monday night’s North Delridge Neighborhood Council meeting:

*They’re discussing whether to change their name, since NDNC seems to be getting confused with DNDA (Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association). Ron Angeles, district coordinator for the Department of Neighborhoods, related names back to the area’s history – with groups signifying some of North Delridge’s sub-neighborhoods such as Cottage Grove and Youngstown (even Pigeon Point, which has its own PP Neighborhood Council). Co-chair Jay Mirro noted that the group’s southern boundary is SW Myrtle (map). What about South Delridge? it was asked. Angeles pointed out that Highland Park and Westwood involve that area – historically, he said, the area south of Home Depot didn’t consider itself Delridge as much as the area north (NDNC’s turf) does. Karrie Kohlhaas offered to help lead a smaller group to brainstorm name possibilities.

*The group is hoping to build some synergy with the new produce markets at Super 24, which kicked off with the Night Market event last Saturday night (WSB coverage here) – talking about possibly holding an event in connection with it, or offering to participate by sponsoring interactive games, face-painting, or some other kind of activity/community-building feature. One challenge: Ideas are easy. Mustering the volunteer power to make them happen is not. If you live in the North Delridge area, NDNC needs your help too. They also spent time tonight brainstorming ways to recognize people who’ve volunteered.

*They’re working on a “welcome packet” to make available to new arrivals, with reminders about the group’s meetings and other helpful information, such as phone numbers to call with problems/questions.

*Also from the outreach arena – NDNC had booths and sold “I (Heart) Delridge” T-shirts at the ReFRESH Southwest/Delridge Day and West Seattle Summer Fest festivals. “It’s a good way to let people know we exist,” Holli Margell told last night’s meeting – they also signed up new members for the NDNC mailing list (which you’ll find here).

*Kohlhaas has been nominated to co-chair NDNC with Jay Mirro, replacing Russell Ehrman. Patrick Bergner is nominated as treasurer. Group members will vote next month whether to make it official.

*Co-chair Mirro reminded everyone that 10 am-2 pm this Saturday, meeting at 29th and Brandon, the Brandon Street Natural Area work group could use some help. Morning glory and blackberry removal are big this time of year, as well as some mulching. It’s the third Saturday most months, he says. In August, though, it’ll be on August 7th, 10 am-2 pm, and it’s the annual chance for Rat City Rollergirls usually a delegation of more than 50 people! – to join in and help out. That’s also the date that Angeles is leading a walking tour in the Delridge area for Mayor Mike McGinn (most likely the North Delridge business district and Longfellow Creek).

*Night Out is coming up August 3rd. 26th/Findlay/Juneau plans a big event, according to Betsy Hoffmeister, as they’ve dealt with some burglaries this past year. (Still time to sign up YOUR block!)

*The dozen or so in attendance included legislative candidate Geoffrey “Mac” McElroy, who has been to most – if not all – of the major West Seattle/White Center neighborhood groups; other candidates in the race have made an appearance here and there but visiting these groups has been one of his campaign trademarks. Not to make a speech – “I’m just here to listen,” he told NDNC last night. (Although he did get a few minutes to speak before the group’s meeting wrapped up before library closing time at 8 pm. “I’m not against taxation, but there’s a whole lot of area between raising taxes and wholesale slashing of programs,” he noted. “I’ve been called a dark horse, and told my run is somewhat quixotic, but at some point somebody in the community has to stand up.”)

North Delridge Neighborhood Council now meets the second Monday of the month, 6:30 pm, at Delridge Library.

1 Reply to "North Delridge Neighborhood Council: New name needed?"

  • Jim July 15, 2010 (6:07 pm)

    Rec change name to “East West Seattle”

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