West Seattle school news: Alki Elementary to be honored

That video feature is about Alki Elementary School winning the Governor’s Health Bowl sponsored by the Washington Health Foundation. The WHF sent us the link along with word that Alki Elementary will have teacher and student reps in Olympia next month to be honored for the school’s accomplishment; during the competition last fall, with more than 400 schools participating, they “logged more than 130,000 miles of health,” according to WHF’s Joe Furia. (Joe

7 Replies to "West Seattle school news: Alki Elementary to be honored"

  • Marian Laughlin January 19, 2009 (10:50 am)

    I am so proud of Alki – students, staff, and families. What a great school.

  • dfs January 19, 2009 (11:23 am)

    Another great effort from students, parents and staff at Alki Elementary. Special thanks to our fabulous Ms. McChesney for her continued efforts to keep our children active and healthy while having fun. Go ALKI!

  • Jennifer Ryan January 19, 2009 (5:34 pm)

    We Alki students and parents are so proud of our wonderful school! Ms. McChesney has done a stellar job. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to the wonderful staff!

  • Karen Pfeiffer Bush January 19, 2009 (8:27 pm)

    We are so proud of our Alki kids. They worked so hard and really learned a lot. Ms.McChesney is THE BEST. Great job! Yeah Alki!

  • Jackie Pfeiffer January 20, 2009 (1:36 pm)

    YEAH!!! Great work Alki Elkementary
    I am proud to have two grandsons attending Alki

  • Jerry and Linda Bryant January 21, 2009 (5:41 pm)

    Leo Gutierrez is our grandson in first grade at Alki.
    He visited us on Kauai and got allot of excersize. He rode his bike, swam in the pool, snorkeled, skim boarded and learned to surf. He can now get up and catch a wave and ride it all the way in.
    He also gets very good grades at school.
    Nana and Poppy are very proud of him.

  • Randy Furukawa January 29, 2009 (8:48 am)

    Alki Elementary is setting the example for the rest of the country what can be accomplished with students when you have an outstanding teacher who has a passion for her job and dedication to her students and community. Ms. McChesney is the best. I’m proud to call her a friend and collegue.

    Randy Furukawa
    Neely-O’Brien Elementary
    Kent School District

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